Começar do início

Her winter coat covered her body, while the cold breeze passes by. She looked at the houses, there were no Christmas lights. Making everything, lonelier.

She sighed, a thought in the back of her mind was burried. "People got waay to distracted huh?"  The voice is back, but she didn't mind it at all.

"A lonely Christmas for the..two of us." She faked a smile. She kept walking, and walking. Until she saw a family. They were happy, laughing with glee.

A smile crept in the corner of her mouth. As tears started to fall from her eyes. "If..only." She started as she choke in her tears. "If only...I can be h-happy." She stared at the ground, letting the warm tears fall from her E/C eyes.

Her H/L hair waved, as the air hits her again. She then remembered. "I-I can do that." She smiled at the idea..the idea of going back to her second family.

Y/n made a run for it. As the snow slowly covers the ground. Her foot prints showed up. She then stopped at the base. A few more walks she can knock, and be happy again.

But she realized she doesn't have anything. But she hesitated. She stared at the door. Before she even got the chance to knock, she was tackled by the squeaker she knew.

"Y/N! WE MISSED YOU!" Lui hugged her, and cried on her shoulder.

Everyone went out, and smiled. Joining the hug between her and Lui.

"Please don't go away.." Lui mumbled, Y/n looked at him. She comforted him with the most warmest hug.

As the voices faded away, she was finally happy again. 

"You little shit!" Wildcat shouted and hugged her tightly.

"C-can't breathe!" Y/n laughed as Wildcat kept hugging her. She then heard sniffling. Hearing Tyler curse under his breathe. "I fucking missed you!" Tyler hissed in a jokingly way.

"I missed you too Tyler. You ass!" Y/n said breathless.

She pat his back gently. She was also looking for somebody too. The one who showed mercy on her. The one who took care of her.

"W-where's Delirious?" Tyler releases Y/n from his tight hug. Tyler frowned, and looked straight to a window.

"He was happy a while ago." Everyone just sighed. "He acts so childish man.." Tyler rub his temples.

I blinked, and facepalmed myself. Chuckling.

"Awe, what did you do to his teddy bear?" They all stared at Y/n.

"Uuum. How did you know that a teddy bear is involved with this?" Y/n laughed.

"Oooh boy. Can I have the teddy bear back?" Y/n asked them, while the others just stared in confusion. Exchange looks. Then back to Y/n.


That's why huh? I stared at the teddy bear, it had a knife on its belly. I glared at the guys.

"Who did that to Mr.Teddy?" I asked them seriously.

Everyone points at Terrorizer.

"H-hey! He put a mistletoe in front of me and Brock! The hell guys!" He protessed. I just rub my forehead, and chuckled.

"Anyway, Nogla can you get it. I'm pretty short. Imma fix everything up."

~ t i m e s k i p ~

After fixing teddy up. Everyone prepares the food, and then took out different colored presents.

"Aight, I'm heading to Delirious's room." I stood up, and went upstairs to knock on Jon's door.

"Jon?" As soon after I said that. I heard someone's footsteps rush towards the door and unlocked it.

Jon doesn't have his mask on, so I can actually see his reaction. His clown face was streaky. Tears are visible on his face. I just hugged him tightly.

"I'm so happy to see you Jon." He hugged me back in a really, I MEAN really comforting way.

"Why are you crying?" I asked as I wiped his tears away.

"I-they..took Mr.Teddy." I kept smiling slightly.

"Welp! Don't worry now!" I think he saw a glimpse of his teddy bear behind my back.

"TEDDY!" He hugged me, and laughed. "Omg! You fixed him up!" I gave him Mr.Teddy and he hugged it so childishly.

It's really cute. I must admit.

"Thank you Y/n! You're the best! I-" He covered his mouth, and just chuckled. He even made the sound "Pheew-"

"Mr. Teddy is really important to me." He was looking at the stuffed animal. Then looks at me with the most charming smile.

"And you too. Y/n." I blushed, and just laughed.

"Gawd damnit Del! Hehehe." I winked at him.

"HEY GUYS LES EAT!" Tyler shouted, enough for us to hear. It was clear, still loud. I smiled at Del.

"Let's eat now." I hold his hand and he seem to be feeling really warm. Cause I can feel it too.

"S-sure." He stuttered, and tightened his hand around mine.

We all ate Christmas dinner together.
Gave each other's gifts. Y/n doesn't brought anything but still got a few gifts from some guys.

Making her Christmas day, the best thing that ever happened to her on 2017!
Thank you guys! <3


[t h i s  kinda sucks but i t r i e d ! ! !]

Criminals // BBS X READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora