Chapter 6 - Dream or reality?

Start from the beginning

"Kyle?" He asked.

"Yeah," I replied in an angry tone. I wasn't even a person that got angry and yet my blood was boiling.

"Why don't you just ignore it?" Aiden said in a frustrated tone.

I don't know why he was acting so frustrated, I was the one that this idiot was playing games with. I don't know what was happening but suddenly all of my anger and frustration towards Kyle was surfacing, right now.

"You know, I am so sick and tired of people telling me what to do! First Kyle, then Crystal, then Rachel and now you! What am I, like five! I know how to handle a situation without your advice, thanks!"

"Fine," he replied in an angry tone.

"Yeah, fine," I spat back at him.

I wanted to say sorry, the minute that the words left my mouth but looking at his face, it was probably better to let things cool off a little. I reverted my eyes back to the screen of my phone and read Kyle's message again. I was going to ignore it but I just couldn't, it was making me too angry.

Let's get this straight Kyle, you and I, are over. Got that? OVER! You can't text one minute telling me to move on and then the next saying you want to see me! It doesn't work like that! So just get the hell out my life!!!!

I stared at the screen for a few minutes, dissecting each word, one at a time. My heart began beating faster as my thumb hovered over the send button. I can't believe that I'm about to say this but sometimes, I wish that I was more like Rachel, cold hearted and spiteful. Unfortunately I wasn't, so my thumb went straight over to the delete button. I got rid of the message and started to write again.


It was pathetic, I know but I just wasn't expecting a follow up to this mornings text that he had sent me and sending back a message like that, just wasn't my style. I pressed send and then rested my phone in my lap.

I looked up at Aiden who was sat in silence as he continued to drive. I watched as he vigorously pulled each gear into place and swung the steering wheel round with force as we took each corner. He never got mad and I felt so bad.

"Aiden, I'm really So-"

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate again, which stopped me mid sentence.

"Don't want to leave Kyle waiting," he mumbled as he sniggered angrily to himself.

I felt bad, again. I quickly retrieved my phone from my lap and looked at the screen, it was from Kyle. I opened the message and read the contents.

I have to tell you something, it's really important. Please...

Something important? What could he possibly tell me of importance...That he has an evil twin who cheated on me with Rachel but now he's back to save the day? No. Unless it was as good an excuse as that, I wasn't interested.

I wasn't in the mood to hear any more of Kyle's rubbish, so I ignored the last text and then put my phone back inside of my bag.

I wanted to talk to Aiden, I needed to make things right before we met up with Crystal. As we pulled up at the park, I got straight out of the car. I watched as he slammed his door, locked it and then walked off.

"Aiden!" I called after him.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me.

"Look, I know that I was a bit harsh back there and you didn't deserve that," I said in a guilty voice as I walked towards him.

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