Meeting Shenyl

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The team hurried to reach the wormhole and meet Shenyl who was in a galaxy Sandrome, all alone. The team had successfully passed through the wormhole and into Sandrome galaxy. They were searching for their teammate Shenyl. They spotted her spacecraft, they were behind it. Now they had to communicate with her somehow, and that was the biggest challenge. They decided that they would try docking that spacecraft with their spacecraft which was much bigger.

Docking was successful. They immediately opened the airlocks and went to meet Shenyl. But she was fast asleep. Samuel decided to wake her up. Giving her a jerk, she immediately woke up; "Ahh!!!!!" she shouted, she couldn't understand who it was, was she hallucinating. Then she realized that it was her team who come to Sandrome to meet her.

She sat up, she was in a shock. "Why did you guys come back here?"

"Our report about Olva 877564 being a suitable planet to host life was totally wrong. Its surface is covered with ice, we cannot cultivate anything there. I believe you went to Weren 2269, I want to know if it is possible for us to move there? We all owe you a big apology, we should have come with you... We're really sorry." Naman told

"Weren 2269 has green cover, all kinds of plants, trees, shrubs, bushes. However, there are no animals there. The atmosphere there is exactly the same as Earth. However, there are no lakes or rivers, there are just massive oceans that have pure water, with almost no dissolved salts. The land there is divided into 80 different scattered land masses." This was the information Shenyl had gathered .

"That it is one great discovery" said Artriv.

"Well, no we'll have to travel back through the wormhole and go back to Earth, this is gonna be really important. We'll send them a transmission as soon as we are back into our solar system"

Mission HopeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon