Special Chapter

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[Underline means the narration.
Thank you guys for listing your questions for this special chapter, without further ado, here goes the MingKit couple 😁🎉 PS: This is really a long chapter~]

Interviewer: Good morning/afternoon/evening to all our viewers, perhaps, readers who will join us for this chapter. We all know the cute and cat-dog relationship these two have from our beloved 2 Moons the series right? Now, we invited this couple to answer all of your questions, now, let us welcome MingKit kha~

(Audience/Readers: applause)

Interviewer: Sawadee kha~

MingKit: Sawadee Krap~

Interviewer: Is it our pleasure that you came here, to answer all of the questions your fans, including me, left for this special chapter. So, let's begin, how do you both feel right now?

Kit: Uhm~ quite nervous actually, this is my first time to be interviewed at all! (Smiles)

Interviewer: Oh my gosh P'Kit, you really are cute indeed! But please P, don't be nervous, just think of this interview as answering your exams, or your college entrance exams perhaps? (giggles)

Kit: Ah yeah, sure. (smiles)

Interviewer: How about you P'Ming?

Ming: I'm good! By the way, how are you readers? Nice to meet you all! I already know that you know me, but still, I want to introduce myself.

Kit: (mumbles) Here he goes again... 😒

Ming: Sawadee krap, my name is Ming Dechapanya. Nice to meet you all, joining with me for this interview is my lovely wife, my Kitkat~ 😊

Interviewer: Oh mo, how sweet of you P'Ming, our readers are really jealous of your relationship with P'Kit after all.

Ming: Really? That's nice to hear.

Interviewer: So let's officially start our interview, P'Kit, can you tell us how P'Ming proposed to you?

Kit: (tsk...I knew they'd ask that) Uhmm....... That was during the New Year's Eve, this year, Ming and I went to Hongkong Disneyland for Christmas, just the two of us, it's quite lonely not being able to celebrate Christmas with our families and friends, but it's a nice feeling having a lover all to yourself...? I can't believe I'm saying this..... (Laughs)

Audience: (giggles)

Kit: So yeah~ we had a great time together, riding all the rides, and experiencing new stuff, especially the food from that place. We really had a great time!

Interviewer: Ohh~ I could tell (chuckles), ah by the way P, we found some pictures for that trip. Can you please show it to the screen?

 Can you please show it to the screen?

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