As if on cue, a flutter of silver wings approached Aphrodite as they flew in through the open balcony doors, which caused her to immediately sit up from her relaxed position, the bubbles concealing her bare skin. Quickly glancing among the small beings, Aphrodite clicked her tongue and raised a perfectly arched eyebrow in question.

The erotes exchanged nervous glances between each other as they silently debated who would be the bearer of bad news, for they knew the wrath of Aphrodite was not a pretty site.

The beautiful goddess grew impatient with the erotes. "Well? What news do you have for me?" Aphrodite demanded, feeling the fury boil within her if someone didn't begin to explain what was going on.

Pointing at the winged being in the middle, she narrowed her eyes. "Tell me what you seen."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, the erote fluttered a few inches closer to Aphrodite as he bowed his head in respect.

"My apologies to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems to be the case that the mortal humans have not only been praising the princess, but they have also began worshipping her and offering gifts-"

The anxious erote was soon cut off by Aphrodite, who was completely engulfed with anger. "They what?!" Her silken voice bellowed so loud that the ground shook.

In less than a minute, Aphrodite had ascended from the comfort of her warm bath, dried herself off and slipped into a silky gown before storming through her palace to reach the grand hall.

"Eros!" Her mighty voice boomed throughout the large building as she took a seat on her magnificent, gem encrusted throne.

Within a flash, a large pair of dazzling, golden wings blinded her vision as her son appeared before her. "Yes mother." Eros replied, with a hint of sarcasm injected into his response.

"Don't give me that tone of voice." Aphrodite snapped. Eros arched a thick eyebrow at her sudden outburst. She was so frenzied with rage, she looked like she was ready to bare her teeth and get into a brawl.

Deciding not to vex her anymore, he crossed his bronzed arms across his broad, bare chest and kept his mouth shut.

"The earthlings are turning insane, the world is going crazy...", Aphrodite muttered under her breath before snapping out of her own personal bubble to connect her enchanting, deep chocolate brown orbs with her sons, who resembled her own. "All I ask you to do is one simple task for me, my darling." Aphrodite's screeching and bellowing had been replaced by her familiar, syrupy sweet voice.

"And what might that simple task be, mother?" Eros's tone of voice was laced with boredom as he quietly begged for her to get on with it.

Choosing to ignore her son's ignorance, she tossed strands of chestnut brown hair across her glitter dusted shoulders before raising her chin up high as she regained her composure. "You must venture into the mortal world and find the princess that challenges my beauty. When you find her, I want you to prick her with one of your arrows and have her fall in love with the ugliest creature on earth."

Eros snorted at Aphrodite's outlandish demands. "You can't possibly be serious." Aphrodite narrowed her eyes into slits at her son's mockery. "Do I look like I'm joking around?"

"Fine, but where will I find this princess?" Giving in to his mother's demands, he decides he'd rather just do what she says than listen to her complaining.

"Cyprus. It shouldn't be too hard to find her, considering she's the talk of the town." Aphrodite scoffed.

Eros was still somewhat dismayed with his mother, who actually envied a mere earthling over the fact that she was more beautiful than her. What a superficial bitch.

"I suppose I'll be on my way then. Hopefully I'll be back before sunrise." Eros unfolded his arms that were crossed against his chest and turned around as he began to walk away from Aphrodite.

Just as he reached the door to leave the grand hall, he cocked his head to the side to offer her a brazen smile. "Oh, and by the way mother, jealousy doesn't suit you."

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, I really enjoyed writing it! Please don't be afraid to vote and comment, I'd love to get some feedback

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I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, I really enjoyed writing it! Please don't be afraid to vote and comment, I'd love to get some feedback.

And yes, I'm well aware that some things I might mention in this novel did not exist back in those times but it's fictional anyways, so let's just pretend it did lol.

Lots of love, x

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