Chapter 2

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Fast forward to september, our first day of sophomore year.

The past few weeks I've been talking myself into something. You see last year I was a mathlete. But Pepper kept talking about how in real life your crush doesn't magically walk up to you announcing that 'hey, my secret gaydar goes crazy around you, wanna go out?'. So I figured that maybe I should actually at least try to be more... I don't know, attractive? My point is: I'm joining the track team.

The first few weeks or months will be nothing but embarrassing. But maybe, just maybe, it will work out in the end. Also, needless to say, Pepper is very happy with my decision.

While thinking all of this over I'm slowly walking to school with my best friend. She's scrolling through her phone while I'm listening to some music. Absentmindedly I pull out one of my earbuds and start playing with the squishy, rubber part. A few seconds later it somehow bounces off and I stand still while watching the whatever it is roll off in the bushes.

Pepper stops walking and turns around with one eyebrow raised delicately. I show her my now rubberless earbud. "Can we go get new earbuds after school?" She drags a hand down her face and scoffs. "Sure thing."

Then we continue walking. "I don't get how you always do that. Earbuds just don't get to live longer than a week in your hands." I frown. She's right. All my pocket money goes to earbuds because I keep losing the rubber thingies. Does anyone even know what they're called? Are they called anything at all?

Besides all the negative things related to going back to school there is one positive thing I just noticed. We know where all the classrooms are this time around. So we arrive at homeroom regrettably early. Pepper doesn't seem to be very talkative today though, so I get to suffer the remaining fifteen minutes alone with my one earphone.

The teacher finally arrives and starts taking attendances. There's one name that grabs my full attentions. "Colton Harris." But the class remains quiet. Until the door bursts open. Both Colton and Terry stumble in, panthing and out of breath. Colton is the one to recover first and slap a wide grin on his face. "Sorry sir. There was this snail with priority from the right side on the sidewalk so we had to wait a bit."

Snickers and giggles travel around the classroom as the teacher sighs. "Just take your seat mister Harris, you too mister Hill." "Yes sir." they say in unison. Terrence his face immediately lights up when he sees me. He grabs Colton by the elbow and they plop down in the two remaining empty chairs next to me. Yeah the front row isn't very popular.

"Laurence Hill." I raise my hand at the teacher and he nods. "Terrence Hill." "Here."

Moving on through the day I don't share any classes with the demon duo. I'm not surprised, they're not very studious. I share AP English literature and chemistry with Pepper though. In the others classes I'm on my own. I don't really mind though.

On the way home Pepper stopped by the music store with me for new earphones, as promised. Choosing a color and model is difficult. My eyes trace along the lines and lines of small boxes. Definitely not pink. Or maybe I should do it to mess with people. But maybe they'd be onto me then. I don't want to come out of my closet. Just Pepper knowing is fine.

Eventually I settle on white and blue earphones. They have little penguins on them and I like penguins. After I pay for them Pepper and I continue on our way home. Upon arriving at my house I wave at her, she raises a hand back at me and continues walking.

I walk around the house towards the backdoor. The door's made of glass. I look through it before entering and am not surprised to see Colton and Terrence pelting M&M's at each other across the kitchen table. Mum and dad won't be back home until later. And when there's no one to keep these two in line stuff like this happens.

With my head aimed at the ground I go inside and make a beeline for the drawer that holds our scissors so I can open my new earphones. A single piece of chocolate hits the back of my head while I do so. But I ignore it. Terrence yells a half hearted "Sorry" after me while I make my way upstairs to my room. Once I close the door behind me I slide down to the floor. I can't even look Colton in the eye, but images of him are always on my mind. How is that even possible? Knowing all the details of someone's face when you never dare to look at them? Why am I like this?

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