Chapter 3

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I accidently deleted this chapter. Oh, I can be such an Anderson sometimes! Anyways, chapter 4, coming up right after I post this.


            “You and John Watson?” Molly said, her smile wider then her cheeks.

            “Mhmm.” Mary hummed, looking over at John and Sherlock’s table.

            “And you’ve liked him for how long?”

            Mary giggled. “Awhile.”

            Molly opened her mouth to say something else, but her mobile’s vibration and song interrupted her. “Hang on. I’m ringing.” She held her phone to her ear and spoke. “Hello?...Mum, what’s…Oh my god…Yes, hold on. I’m on my way…Love you.” She hung up and stood from her chair.

            “Molly,” Mary said, concern in her voice. “What’s happened? What’s wrong?”

            Molly pushed in her chair and picked up her bag, which she had placed next to her chair earlier. “Dad had a seizure during his surgery.”

            “Oh my god.” Mary stood up and began to walk with Molly, who was rushing towards the door.

            “They think he is going to be fine, but they had to continue with the operation. I have to get to the hospital.”

            Outside, Molly hailed a cab and she and Mary got into the back seat.

            “Is your mum gonna be alright with you coming?” Molly asked.

            “She’ll be fine,” Mary said. “You’re going to need some company.”

            “Bart’s.” Molly said to the cab.

~         ~         ~         ~

            Molly’s mother met Molly and Mary in the vestibule. She immediately hugged Molly, and Mary came after. “Good to see you Mary.”

            “How’s Dad?” Molly asked.

            “They just took him to ICU, but they aren’t letting anyone in, not even family.”

            “Why?” Mary asked.

            “They are keeping a close eye on him, and don’t want anyone to get in the way.”

            “You need to get some rest,” Molly said, noticing the bags under her eyes. “Go home. Mary and I can wait here until they let him have visitors.”

            “Are you sure?” Mrs Hooper asked.

            “Positive.” Molly said.

            Mrs Hooper looked between the two girls and said goodbye, leaving them.

            After two hours in the vestibule, the girls began to get hungry. Mary’s stomach rumbled loudly, and Molly turned to look at her.

            “I guess I’ll go get us some crisps.” Molly said.

            “Good idea.” Mary said.

            Molly stood up. “I’ll be back.”

            Molly hated hospitals. She hated how there was constantly nurses roaming around and she hated how white everything looked. She hated passing people, tears running down there face and loud sobs coming from their lips as doctors informed them of their loss. She hated knowing that she was more than likely going to be in the same situation some day.

            When she reached the vending machine, there was someone there. She stood behind him, waiting until he was done. After he had grabbed his crisps, he turned round and Molly took a step back before realizing whom it was.

            Sherlock stood, a bag of crisps in each hand. “Oh, hello Molly.”

            Molly took another step back. “Um, hello.”

            “Something happen with your father?” He took a step towards her.

            “Seizure,” Molly said. “Sorry, how did you…?”

            “I’ve heard you speak with Mary about your father,” He informed her. “Leukemia? Terrible.”

            “Yes,” Molly said. “If you don’t mind my asking, why are you here?”

            “My father is having an operation,” Sherlock said. “I’ve got to drive him home in an hour.”

            “Is he okay?” Molly asked, stepping over to the vending machine.

            “Fine,” Sherlock said. “It’s just something they do every few weeks. It’s not always surgical, sometimes just x-rays.”

            “Oh.” Molly pressed a few buttons and inserted money into the machine. It dropped two bags of crisps, and Molly collected them. She stood up and turned round to Sherlock. “Well, it was lovely to see you.”

            “I’m sure it was.” Sherlock said.

            “Um…” Molly was unsure of how to respond to that.

            “Good day, Molly Hooper.” Sherlock headed down the hallway to the elevator.           Molly headed back to the vestibule. When she arrived, she sat down next to Mary, who was smiling.

            “What’s wrong with you?” Molly asked. She handed Mary her chips and smiled back at her.

            “Do you know who else is here?” Mary asked.

            “Sherlock?” Molly asked. “I know, I just spoke to him."

            “Well,” Mary said. “I was talking about John, but good for you! Anything interesting?”

            “No,” Molly opened her bag, and stuck her hand in, grabbing a crisp and putting it into her mouth. “He’s here for his father too, though.” She said after swallowing.


            “Yeah,” Molly said. “I guess John just came with him.”

            “Guess so.” Mary said.

            “Mary,” Molly turned to her. “You should probably get home before your mother worries about you.”

            “Will you be okay?” She asked.

            “I’ll be fine,” Molly said. “See you at school tomorrow.”

            Mary looked at Molly for a moment, and then gave her a hug. “See you.” She stood up and left, leaving Molly by herself in.

            Well, until Sherlock took a seat next to her.

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