Chapter 2

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            “What?” Sherlock Holmes asked John Watson when he finally got his coffee. John was staring at him, and it was rather annoying.

            “Oh,” John said. “Nothing.”

            “Something,” Sherlock said. “What is it?”

            “Just…you.” John said.

            “What about me?” Sherlock asked.

            “Well you were talking.” John had a huge grin on his face.

            “Yes, and?” Sherlock said.

            “You were talking,” John said. “To a girl.”


            “Well, you never do that.”

            “And your point is…?”

            “Do you like her?” John asked.

            Sherlock almost spit out his coffee. “What?”

            John was laughing.

            “Molly Hooper?” Sherlock asked.

            “Yes!” John said.

            “John,” Sherlock said. “You know me, and you know my thoughts on sentiment.”

            “Oh, look at that.” John said, looking over Sherlock’s shoulder and Molly and Mary Morstan.

            “What?” Sherlock said, turning to follow John’s gaze. He quickly turned back when he saw the two girls looking back at them. “They are looking at us. Why are they looking at us?” Sherlock lowered his voice.

            John was laughing again. “I’m pretty sure Molly likes you, Sherlock.”

            “No.” Sherlock denied.

            “Yes.” John said.

            “And what evidence do you have?” Sherlock asked, raising an eyebrow.

            “Well,” John said. “She is staring at you and giggling with Mary.”

            Sherlock said nothing.

            “How about this,” John said. “You ask Molly out, and Mary out. Deal?”

            “Let me see. Um…no.” Sherlock said, verbally rolling his eyes.

            “Why not?”

            “Because I don’t date, John. Having partners just get in the way.”

            “Okay,” John said. “You have fun with that, and I’ll got get Mary’s phone number. Watch and learn.” John stood up from the table and walked across the room to where Molly and Mary sat.

            Sherlock couldn’t hear what they were saying, but after a few minutes, Mary took a notepad out of her school bag and wrote down something. John took the note and gave her a smile before turning on his heels and walking back to his best friend.

            “And that, Sherlock,” John said. “is how you get a date.”

            “Yes, I’ll make a note of that.” Sherlock rolled his eyes.

Sorry that this chapter is so short. I wanted to go ahead and get up a part on Sherlock's side.

I hope you are liking this story so far. c: xxx


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