Im In Trouble

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Emily did not let go what she saw in the bathroom. I have never been questioned so much in my life.

"Care to explain?" She said.

"Nothing happened why are you so worried?" I replied

"Tell me everything from the beginning like right now."

"Ok hold your horses. Alright well first he ran into me because he was running from a teacher. Then he dragged me into the women's bathroom and we were just talking that's it."

"What were you two talking bout?" She asked. So I told her exactly how it happened word for word.

"Oh my god he totally likes you and you.. you like him!" she started shouting at me. What I do not like Tyler at least not like that. How could I when the boy I love is in a hospital. Jack saved me all Tyler ever did was run into me literally.

"What no I don't I love Jack, you know that."

"You told me you were moving on from Jack."

"Yeah we'll I guess I lied."

"Yeah just like your lying right now. Don't try and" She stopped talking when we hear a knock at my door. Thats weird no one like ever and I mean ever comes to my house. I went over and opened the door to find Jack...

"Jack wha wha what are you doing here" I asked

"Why did you leave me at the hospital yesterday when my family came?"

"Wait you left him there?" Emily interrupted. I just gave her a look that said 'shut up'.

" I thought it would be good for you to spend time with your family so I left. I was tired anyway I had waited all night and half the day. I needed rest." I told him, but for some reason I felt guilty because my conscious was telling me ' you are such a liar!'

When I heard a honk Jack started to talk again " oh umm I have to go can't stay long my mom is freaking out I just asked if we could stop at your house before we went home."

"Oh ok that's cool. When will you be back in school?"

"In a week. It's ok don't miss me to much." He started laughing.

"Yeah I'll come visit soon. Bye Jack."

"Bye Alex see ya."

Once Jack left Emily started to question me more. Ugg will she ever stop with the questions.

"You left him at the hospital?! I thought you loved him?" she asked with a smirk. She knew me to well.

"I.. I.. I do. Very much I always have."

"Alex honey' she said ' Im going to tell you this even though I know you already know you are just having a hard time admitting it. Hun I don't think you love Jack in the same way you used to anymore. I think you really have moved on and your getting feelings for Tyler."

Oh my god is it true? Could I be really getting over Jack and starting to get feelings for Tyler instead?

"Wow I think.. I think you might be right." I finally said. I said more to myself then I did her. I never thought this would happen. And could Emily be right could Tyler have a thing for me? And Jack it may have just been me but I felt as if he was getting some feelings for me as well. Either that it the ones he had a long time ago never left. My world is about to go crazy.

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