How To Say It

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After I woke up I decided to go see Jack in the hospital. I thought that maybe I had left him alone long enough and now would be the time to see him. So I said goodbye to my mom and brother and went to the hospital.

Upon walking to Jack's room, his mom came out steamed. I could only guess I was in trouble.

"You! How dare you just let him ride here all alone and then leave to go party. He was hurt and needed you and you haven't come to seem him until two days later!" she yelled at me.

"Well you see mam I need some time alone so I didn't do something to Jack that I would later regret. In case you forgot he was helping the man who was not only trying to kill me but others too." I could come whenever the hell I felt like it. He is lucky I even came. Done talking to her I walked past her and went into the room. I saw him hooked up to a bunch of medical drugs that were helping him. Inside was his father and a few friends. I had politely asked them if I could talk to him alone, because his friends didn't need to know what happened a few days ago. After they left the room I walked up to his bed while grabbing a chair to sit in.

"Come on open your eyes Jack. I know your awake"

"Uhh why are you even here you hate me." he said with a frown on his face. Well he wasn't wrong.

"Yes I do hate you, but just because I hate you doesn't mean I'm not going to come check up on you and see how you are doing. So how are you doing?"

"I doing fine for being shot and losing a lot of blood. No thanks to you." Was this kid serious? I can't believe he just said that to me.

"Listen here you little shit. Im not the one who told you to get yourself into trouble. Im not the one who told you to go do all that crazy shit. Im not the one who followed through on those illegal actions. I didn't put that gun in your hands. I never worked with a criminal. Don't you dare go blaming this on me. Those were your actions and you could have controlled them. Don't be pissed off at me because I did the right thing and you acted as an idiot." I saved his life sort of and he blames me.

He sighs for moment and then says" your right. Those were my actions and you did nothing wrong. I was mad at you and wasn't thinking straight. I'm really sorry and I deserve your hate. I knew what I was doing but didn't think of how it would effect you. I just wanted you to feel pain."

"Jack I'm in pain everyday of my fucking life. Not one day in my life has it been perfect. Something always goes wrong, but I don't let it have an effect in the rest of my day. We only have one life, so why let the bad take control over what could be good times? I don't know about you but I'm not going to let the bad things take over my happiness. I'm just like anyone else."

"But that's the thing your not like everyone else. You brave, smart, caring, determined, and you don't give up. You fight for what's right even if it may cost your life. Not a lot of people are like that. Your special. I'm sorry I tried to take the specialty away from this world. I will regret it the rest of my life."

"Good, you should. Just don't let it control your life. Remember your mistakes but learn from them as you live on." with nothing else to say I said goodbye and left. I was going to give him room to think on everything I had just said.

After the visit to the hospital I went back home to talk to Zach.

"Zach? Are you home?"

"Yeah I'm up stairs!" so I won't upstairs preparing for what was to come.

"Hey I got to tell you something. I am um planning in doing underground fighting. I've gotten really good and I would really like to try it."

"What no, your not ready for it yet."

"Then teach me so I am ready. I just want to try it. I could become just as good as you are."

"Ugg Alex..fine I will teach you, but you only get a fight when I say you are ready. Understood."

"Completely understood yes. Ahh thank you!" I jumped up and tackled him on his bed hugging him. I was so happy he was going to let me do this. He just chuckled and sat back up while hugging me back.

"Alright, alright go work on your homework." I did as he said and spent the rest of my night with a smile on my face.
I know guys it's short and been a long time I might (lol proves not if you know me) updating soon. Hopefully this will tide you over. HAPPY EASTER! OR HAPPY SUNDAY TO THOSE WHO DONT BELIEVE IN GOD I LOVE YOU JUST AS MUCH! LOVE YOU ALL!!

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