Name Your Price

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After school was over Emily drove us home. We relaxed at her house for a few hours until we got a text from Sam asking if we wanted to go to the mall. We told her yes and headed to Sam's to pick her up before going to the mall.

Whenever we go to the mall we always go to stores and try on dresses because,...well I don't know why but we do.
As we were headed to the food court I got this feeling that something wasn't right.

"Hey what's wrong?" both Emily and Sam asked me noticing that I had stopped walking.

"I don't know...I have this feeling were being watched," I told them.

"What are you talking about?" they asked, giving me looks like I was insane.

"Just look around." I told them hoping they wouldn't ask questions I couldn't quite answer. However, looking at their faces I could tell that wasnt going to happen. "I can't explain it just look for someone suspicious." I whispered with a tone of annoyance.

They both looked to there left and found the person who was most likely following us. Jack. When I looked at him he just turned and walked off. I didn't understand, but my instincts told me to follow him.

My instincts have never let me down and because of them I have always been safe. I told the girls I'd be right back and to keep there phones with them and to be careful. But it's just Jack right? Maybe I'm just psyching myself out. Who knows.

I was walking in the direction that I saw him walk towards, when out of nowhere someone put their hand on my mouth covering me from screaming. When I turned around there he was.

"Jack what the hell?!" I yelled

"Shut up! Keep your mouth shut would ya?!" he whispered yelled back looking anywhere but me.

"What the hell is going on? Why were you watching me and who is watching us?" As soon as I asked the latter his head snapped so quickly back towards me I could literally feel pain in my neck.

"How do you know someone is watching us" he asked.

"I'm not an idiot Jack. Your behavior gave it off." I mean his behavior was giving it off; he kept looking around frantically, while his eyes were focused and his forehead held worry lines. Those lines never mean anything good.

" Look Alex you need to get you and your friends out of here now."

"Not until you tell me what's going on." I demanded.

Then it hit me, Jack is in something he shouldn't have been in. It all started a couple years ago when he asked me out. Now I know you are all probably very confused right now. Yes at one time in history a boy asked a girl out and she said no, even though she secretly had feelings for him. Its so common in the world that Katy Perry even wrote a song about it.

Ever since then, Jack has been even more snippy than usual towards me and I have noticed he has been hanging out with people he shouldn't be.

Jack was the one I let slip away and maybe I should have said yes back then, maybe my life would be differnt. Maybe my life would be happier or worse dont know how but still I dont know because I didn't take the chance.

But that doesn't matter right now, what matters is Jack got himself into a mess and he got me dragged into too now. However, the question is, what business did I have to do with the people he had been hanging around?

"What did you get your self into Jack?" I questioned him.

"What? What makes you think I'm into something bad?"

"Jack why else would you be informing me of the troubles that are about to occur? You obviously know something is going on and I have a feeling you know just what it is."

" Damn it Alex, I can't tell you because then you will be in the middle of this." I could tell he was getting angry, I tend to be a very persistent person. One way or another I WILL find out the truth.

"Look either I can go and ask your friend or you can tell me." I knew he wouldn't let me go so he had no choice but to tell me.

He was just about to tell me when we heard a scream for my name repeatedly. Who was screaming my name? What the hell was going on?! Me and Jack ran to where the scream came from and that is when I saw Adam and his trio holding Emily and Sam.

It was amazing that no one in the parking lot had noticed their screams. I mean come on people how do you not notice loud screams?

Getting back to reality, I looked Adam straight in the eyes and demanded he let my friends go.

"Ah just the girl I was looking for. Sorry I didn't mean to scare your friends here, but we really needed to talk." I never liked this guy. While thinking about one of the people on my list that poss me off like no other, I could never see Adam pulling something like this off. Something just wasn't right...

" I said let them go. Now that I'm here you can talk to me."

"Well see here is the thing, they're just so pretty we don't want to give them up," he said sarcastically.

"Well then what do you want? Whatever it is you can have it, just leave my friends alone." I couldn't let them get hurt for something that they had no part in.

"Oh that's easy we want you," he said with a glint of deseption in his eyes.

Thinking back on those "maybe" questions. I don't think it would have been as bad as what I am about to get myself into.

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