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Badassbitch💖- hellooooooo

Scarface⚡️- sup ma bitch

Badassbitch💖- my gay feelings they are hurt
*dramatic gasp with hand over heart*

Scarface⚡️- hah gaaaaay! Guesss what!

Badassbitch💖- yes I already told you I was gay keep up goodness potter and what?

Scarface⚡️- I'm a BosSSsss AsS biTcH!

Scarface⚡️- and AnD I WUV YOU! but don't tell granger or Weasle

Badassbitch💖- Harry....?

Scarface⚡️ - ThAts mE!

Badassbitch💖- no it's not who tf is this?

Scarface⚡️- drachoe it's Harry I promise.

Badassbitch💖- pansy wtf is this you

Scarface⚡️- ....

Scarface⚡️- .... no

Badassbitch💖- fucking liar how did you get Harry's phone.

Scarface⚡️- left it in potions on his desk

Badassbitch💖- okay well when are you going to give it back?

Scarface⚡️- after I snoop duh 🙄

Badassbitch💖- I don't think that's a very good idea pans

Scarface⚡️- his fault for leaving it on the desk without a passcode on it 🤷🏻‍♀️

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