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Scarface⚡️- did you see malfoy? He bumped into me and he didn't even do anything just blushed and walked away.

Badassbitch💖- yea I saw him

Scarface⚡️- weird anyways are you friends with Malfoy?

Badassbitch💖-I guess you could say that I know him better than anyone else

Scarface⚡️-Hmm do you think he likes me?

Badassbitch💖- I don't really Know but I think he does all he ever does is talk about you.

Badassbitch💖 - did you see potter....

Badassbitch💖- omg you'll never believe what potter did....

Badassbitch💖- do you think potter has ever.....

Scarface⚡️- does he really talk about me that much?

Badassbitch💖-yes and Not to be rude but it's bloody annoying

Scarface⚡️- lol. do you think I should talk to him?

Badassbitch💖- Hmm

Badassbitch💖- you should talk to him tmrw at potions he's usually there early.

Scarface⚡️- ok sounds good.

Badassbitch💖- Oh shit I gtg I forgot to do my herbolgy paper

Scarface⚡️ -Alright Bye

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