Chapter 7: Know thy enemy part I

Start from the beginning

(Trading post tavern)

"And so there I was, surrounded by a band of bloodthirsty thieves, half of my guard was cut down and—"

"You really expect us to believe that Johann?" He was suddenly interrupted.

"Well you lot could judge for yourselves if I was allowed to continue." He harrumphed. "I must say, weren't you all taught to listen and then speak?"

"Bah, it's not worth listening since we all know half of ye' stories are all fake. Come on boys." The crowd left the table he was at, Johann sighed, taking a swig of his ale.

"Ruffians, the lot." He muttered. "No one's got the sense of adventure these days."

"I beg to differ."

Johann recognized the voice that sat across him. He carefully raised his eyes and paled when he saw Viggo Grimborn, sitting across from him, mug in hand and a smirk that sent chills down any man's spine.

"Oh, eh, w-well would you like that. T-time for me to be of—" He felt a large hand and a firm grip his shoulder, keeping him down. He glanced behind him and saw Ryker, his expression telling him he'd want to listen to his brother. "But I can make time for a man of your stature."

"I'm sure that was an interesting story you had going on, Johann, but I'd like to know your more famous stories."

"Such as?" He gulped.

"Berk and its dragons."

Johann couldn't feel anything. It was almost as if every one of his physical senses ceased to work. He didn't hear the laughter or the merriment or the chatter of the tavern nor did he feel the wood of the table his hands were resting on. He couldn't feel or hear his own heartbeat. He couldn't be mute for long though. Viggo was not one for any sort of delay. "Eh, beg your pardon sir? I'm afraid my hearing isn't what it used to be."

"That's a first." Viggo said, Ryker smirked beside him. "Come now little brother, don't make our old friend feel more uncomfortable as it is." Ryker said in a teasing tone, Viggo shot Ryker an amused smile, before turning his attention back to Johann. "You heard me right, Johann. Don't make me repeat myself."

"Well i-it's just that t-there are so many d-dr-dragon riding villages popping u—"

"Really? I thought Berk was the only village that incorporated dragons into their life? Are you telling me there are more villages, like Berk, popping up?"

Johann raised a finger, about to speak before the realization of what he said just hit him. He immediately shut his mouth and lowered his hand, paying new attention to his mug. "Don't stop now Johann, please continue."

"Eh, did I say more villages? W-What I meant was the one and only Berk! I've no idea where I came up with another village—" The presence of Ryker's log of an arm across his shoulders silenced him.

"You've done a rare feat, Johann. Something that few people have done— grasped my curiosity. Now, enough beating around the bush. My brother over here isn't a big fan of stories, but I am. So I suggest you tell us everything you know about Berk and this other village."

Johann let out a defeated sigh. There was no use in withholding information from Viggo Grimborn. "What exactly do you wish to know, Master Viggo?"

"How did Berk incorporate dragons into its society?"

"It was done by its heir, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. At a mere age he shot down the infamous Night Fury—"

The Dragon Master Part II: Rewritten (A Httyd Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now