Chapter 4: School Time

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UPDATED: 25 Aug 2018

UPDATED: 25 Aug 2018

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*Kali's POV*

Today is the day I have been excited and scared to do, go to school. I've been to school before in Atlantis but I think what we learn and would Aurodians learn is so much more different. Lonnie had to shake me and pull my covers off to wake me up, I really don't like getting up early. She had pick my outfit out for my first day of school; a sky blue dress that had darker blue at the bottom, weird lace up wedged sandals, a teal watch and some bracelets of different kinds, and had my hair in it's natural waves. Of course my crystal necklace and pearl ring were on me at all times.

"You have a lot of blue." Lonnie said examine my closet, "Is it because it's an Atlantis color or something?"

"It is the main color of Atlantis." I said putting supplies in my bag, "The color connects to the crystal, ocean, and the sky. It's also my favorite color."

"That explains it." We laughed together, "Let's go get some breakfast."


During breakfast, I ate mostly fruit (especially berries) and some kind of bread that was in the shape of an 'O', Lonnie called it a bagel, with some cream cheese on it. I even got some orange juice and coffee. Yes we have coffee in Atlantis, most drink it plain, but I love it sweet. So in my coffee I put some vanilla syrup and half & half, tastes so good. Lonnie got fruit, veggies, bread, and some meat, with some orange juice as well. When we were half way done eating, Jay came up to us and switched the chair so he can sit backwards on it.

"How you ladies doing today?" He said with a smirk on his face, one that you can love and hate at the same time.

"We're doing good Jay." I said with a mouth full of bagel.

"What you got there?"

"This is fruit, veggies, bagel, orange juice, and Kali's sweet coffee." Lonnie said pointing to the individual items. "I wouldn't try Kali's coffee, unless you like really sweet drinks."

"I tried plain coffee back in Atlantis and hated it." I said taking a sip. "Plus putting some vanilla it makes it tastes like a cookie."

"Whatever you say." Lonnie said playfully rolling her eyes.

"So what should I get?" Jay asked which putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Get some fruit, veggies, some bread, and eggs." I said. "Don't you want to keep yourself strong? Or do you want to get your butt handed to yourself again?"

"Wait, what?!" Lonnie exclaimed. "You two fought each other? When?"
"Last night." "No we didn't." Jay and I said at the same time.

Lonnie was about about to say something when chimes started. "Oh, time to go to class. What do you have first Kali?"

"I have," I pulled my schedule out form my bag and paused at what FG put me in. "Choir."

"I didn't know that you sing?" Lonnie asked.

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