Quotes 9

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I hate it when people tell me to
So you think I chose to

"The worst crying is when you're lying in bed, with your hand over your mouth so you don't make noise. The tears are running onto your pillow and your heart's breaking and you're thinking of everything that made you cry and the other hand is on your heart or stomach because they both hurt"

"I wanted to write down exactly what I felt but somehow the paper stays empty and I could not have described it any better"

"I can't take a pill without thinking about overdosing"
"I can't cross a street without wanting to jump in front of a car"
"I can't shave without wanting to slit my wrists"
"I can't walk along high things without wanting to jump"
Every moment, every aspect, every vision of my life is changed by this depression and it's killing me.

You know my name.
Not my story.
You see my smile.
Not my pain.
You notice my cuts.
Not my scars.
You can read my lips.
Not my mind.

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