Listening to What's Right

Start from the beginning

"I came here to talk to you... about Dawn."


"The last time you came to see me to talk about Dawn, things didn't exactly end all that well. Remember?"

"Where is my sister by the way? I figured she'd be here with you."

"She was looking a little hungry, so I sent her to get something to eat. Not that anything edible in this hospital could be close to food related."

A confused look appears on her face.

"And she listened to you?"

What kind of question is that?

"Why wouldn't she?"

"Because she's all but stopped listening to me..."


"And you've come to me for help?"

The  déjà vu of this moment has me chuckling.

"Why do you always seem to come knocking on my door when you need help with something?"

She sorta half smiles at me.

"Because I know you want to help... and because I know how much you care about Dawn. A lot more than you did the last time I asked for your help with her."

I'm not sure I like the sound of where this is going.

"Does Dawn know you're here?"

Buffy shakes her head.

"No, she doesn't, and if you really love her then you can't tell her when she comes back."

It's my turn to look confused.

"Why the hell not, B? I'm not in the habit of lying to my girl, and I don't really think I'm gonna start now."

"I'm not asking you to lie to her Faith. I'm just asking for your help with her."

This obviously seems to mean a lot to her. I suppose I should at least hear her out.

"And how exactly do you plan on screwing up Dawn's life by meddling in it now?"

She takes a deep breath.

"Her life is already screwed up enough as it is."

"What are you talking about B?"

There's a short pause before she says anything.

"Faith, have you actually looked at Dawn since you woke up? And I don't mean in the way I really don't want to know about. I mean, REALLY taken a good look at her. She's been a little off lately."

I haven't really looked at her I guess, I was just so happy to see her and to be awake, everything else just seemed unimportant.

"Off, how?"

"You may not have noticed because you've been in a coma for eight weeks, but if you look at her, you can see it. She looks tired and hungry."

She has kinda been really quiet. Normally when we're together she can go on and on for hours without stopping. It's actually kinda sexy after a while. But I've been out of commission for eight weeks and she's barely said a thing in the past couple days since I woke up. Shouldn't she have lots to talk about?

"While you were in a coma, she pretty much shut down, emotionally. She stopped sleeping, she was barely eating. I had to argue with her just to get her to eat something as simple as a ham sandwich and there were more than a few moments where I was worried that we'd have to admit her to the hospital room across from you in order to make sure she got any sleep at all."

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