Chapter 3: All In A Days Work

Start from the beginning

"You two, you've got work to do" Shouted the Devil as he walked over the the entrance.

Cherry and King Dice stopped kissing, she blushed slightly and King Dice started rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry Cherry... I should not have done that" Said King Dice as he held both of Cherry's hands in front of them.

"Hey you two have work to do, so get to it" Shouted the Devil as he slammed the door to his private Casino.

King Dice and Cherry both looked at the door, then back at each other.

"Don't be sorry Dice... I loved it" Whipsered Cherry into his ear, then she quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Then Cherry started to walk off and get behind the bar. King Dice gave her a nod as she cleaned the last few glasses. He went over to the door and opened it, the Devil had unlocked it but not full opened the doors. King Dice wandered back to the bar where Cherry was. A few skeletons walked in and started gambling and drinking.

While Cherry was cleaning one one the tables, she felt someone grab her arm. Quickly they turned her around and pinned her against the wall. Cherry looked at the person with fear and worry within her eyes.

"Don't you look lovely my dear" Said the person as they slid one of their hands down her face.

"Please... just..." Pleaded Cherry as a few tears started to form in her eyes.

"Shhh... Shhh... Shhh... don't worry my dear, I won't hurt you... I just wanna have a bit of fun" Replied the person as they stepped closer to Cherry.

Before anything could happened, Cherry closed her eyes and turned her head. She felt the person back off slightly, Cherry opened her eyes and saw King Dice with a hand on the person's shoulder. He pulled the person back and took them out of the Casino. Cherry brushed down her dress and tidy herself up, then King Dice walked over to Cherry.

"Did that person hurt you?" Said King Dice as he stood in front of Cherry.

"No... I'm fine... thank you Dice" Replied Cherry as she gave him a small smile.

King Dice walked off back to the gambling tables, leaving Cherry by the wall the person had pinned her up against. Cherry couldn't stop thinking that King Dice actually cared for her that much, she didn't wonder about it too much.

"I want to up the stakes" Shouted a voice from one of the gambling tables.

Most of the Casino turned around to look at the gambling table. Cherry felt tears in her eyes, thinking about how foolish Cuphead was to up the stakes. Suddenly the door to the Devil's private Casino swings open. Cherry looked over at King Dice who was talking to the person that wanted to up the stakes. King Dice looked over at Cherry and beckoned her to follow him into the Devil's private Casino. Quickly she walked over to King Dice and the other person, then the three of them went into the Devil's private Casino. King Dice walked over to the right hand side of the Devil's throne, he slightly nodded his head to the left side to show Cherry where to stand. Cherry walked over to the left hand side of the Devil's throne.

Cherry couldn't stop thinking of the faces of Cuphead and Mugman, covered in fear and regret. Suddebly she was snapped out of her trance.

"Snake Eyes... you lose" Shouted the Devil as he began to laugh.

Cherry placed both her hands against her heart, trying to calm herself down. The person was down on their knees begging the Devil to spare their soul.

"Too late fool... Your soul is now mine" Said the Devil as he pulled the signed contract out.

The person sighed then walked out of the private Casino. King Dice started walking towards the door which lead to the main Casino, he looked back briefly then walked into the main Casino. Cherry started to walk towards the door, until the Devil wrapped his tail around her waist. The Devil pulled her back, she fell against him and looked up at the Devil shocked. He sat Cherry on his leg and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Slowly the Devil put a hand on her chin and moved her head so Cherry was staring into his eyes.

"You look gorgeous Cherry" Said the Devil as he lowered one of his hands around Cherry's waist.

"I...uhh... Thank you Mr Devil" Replied Cherry as she slightly blushed and looked away.

The Devil leaned in close to Cherry's ear. Gently he placed a hand on the side of her face.

"I don't care about you and Dice getting close... I care about you being mine... so put it this way... keep up what you're doing... and Dice is going to get hurt" Whispered the Devil into Cherry's ear.

Suddenly Cherry felt a shiver strike down her spine. Her eyes were wide with fear and terror. Slowly the Devil moved his hand down her face and too her neck. Suddenly he grabbed her neck tighter, causing Cherry to gasp for air. Cherry had tears forming in her eyes.

"Please... Mr Devil... I... I'm... sorry" Stuttered Cherry as a couple of tears fell down her face.

Quickly Cherry tried grabbing the Devil's arm and tried to pull his hand away. Suddenly the Devil threw Cherry to the floor, which caused Cherry to hurt her leg. She glanced back at the Devil over her shoulder.

"Mark my words Cherry... I'm not messing around" Said the Devil as he stood up from his throne, then began to walk over to his office.

Cherry looked over at his office door just as he slammed it with full force. Slowly Cherry picked herself up, then limped towards the main Casino door. Gently she opened the door and limped back out, Cherry glanced over at King Dice to see him watching a gambling game. Slowly Cherry limped towards the bar, only to be stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She glanced over her shoulder to see King Dice standing behind her.

"Are you okay?" Said King Dice with the look of concern coming over his face.

"I'm fine... I need to speak to you later though" Replied Cherry as she looked up into King Dice emerald green eyes.

"Okay... but you are limping Cherry" Said King Dice as he turned her fully round to face him.

"I'm fine really Dice... you don't need to worry about me" Replied Cherry as she gave him a smile to try and disguise the pain. 

Cherry limped towards the bar, trying her best to make it not look as bad as what it really was. She stayed behind the bar cleaning a few of the dirty glasses, when a couple of guys sat down at the bar stools. Cherry glanced over at the two of then, suddenly she realised it was Cuphead and Mugman.

"Excuse me ma'am, can we get a couple of bottles of port please" Said Cuphead as he crossed his arms on the table, and kept looking down at the table.

"Anything inpiticular you two?" Replied Cherry as she put the glass she was cleaning away.

"I don't know... anything will do please" Said Mugman as he put one hand on his head, and placed his elbow on the table.

"Alright boys... say why the long faces you two?" Replied Cherry as she grabbed two bottles of port and placed them on the tables in front of them. 

"Well... yesterday we made a deal with the Devil... and lost our best friend" Said Cuphead as he put his head in his hands and tears started to form in his eyes.

"She was more like a sister to us" Continued Mugman as he rested his head on one of his hands.

"Oh boys I'm sorry, but I'm sure she misses you just as much as you miss her" Replied Cherry as she lent on the bar table.

"How would you know ma'am?" Said Cuphead as he took a drink of his port.

"You're talking to her guys" Replied Cherry as she gently tilted their heads up to look at her.

Both Cuphead's and Mugman's eyes went wide with shock, and a few tears started to fall down their faces. Cherry walked around the bar so she was the same side as Cuphead and Mugman. All three of then has a group hug, while King Dice was looking over and the Devil glared at the three of then.

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