"Just try to avoid glowing at school today until we figure this out."

"I'm not glowing now, am I? So he might have just imagined it."

"Why would I imagine something like that?" Why does he do anything he does?

"Saw it in a dream maybe?"

"Weren't you worried about being late to school?" Of course he changed the subject now that he was getting all the fire.

"Fine, but until I haven't seen it, I don't believe it. Now let's get some breakfast."


Because Seth had no sense of time and he didn't really like to move fast, we were late for my first seminar. Luckily it was in a big auditorium, so nobody noticed. We took our seat at the back of the room. It was more like a lecture kind of seminar.

"So this is what you do all day long? I've been here for half an hour and already feel like I'm going to die of boredom. Do we have to be here?" he whispered to me. During all of this half an hour he had been very jumpy from the start, which annoyed me a lot, because I could focus on what the professor was saying.

"This is important for me, okay? If I don't do good, they will take away my scholarship. Besides just because you're not interested, doesn't mean I'm not." I had to admit, that it was quite boring today.

"Fine, wake me up, when this is over." He actually did fall asleep. I had to shake him for almost a minute to wake him up once the seminar was over. Everybody stared at us with grinning faces

"So what's next?" asked Seth once I got him to wake up and out of the auditorium.

"Biochemistry lecture."

"Weren't you supposed to go to some lab to get yourself checked out?"

"I'll do that after school."

"How many lectures do you have?"

"Three." It was a long day.

"Do I have to come to all of them with you? I'll be fine without you." He was whining like a child.

"No! I'm pretty sure, that as soon as I let you leave, you are going to do something stupid."

"Well I've been fine so far." I was actually really surprised about that.

"Just collecting enemies." For some reason, just as I got out, he got into trouble, that required me to help him out. That didn't really seem like a coincidence.

"It's not my fault your dad hates me."

"Whose is it then?" I had to admit it was my dad's fault actually, because he hated everybody and trusted no one, but having this particular hate for Seth wasn't normal.

"Probably yours. Besides when I was worried about you, you told me to disappear, but now that you are worried, I have to fallow you around."

"So what's your point?" I knew what his point was, I just didn't want to admit it.

"If I had known, that this is what keeps you around, I would have just said it from the start."

"You wanna tell me, that you owed those guys already before I got out of prison?" That wasn't actually that surprising.

"Well, yes, but less. That was before I messed up my deal."

"You are unbelievable. Why can't you just get a job like normal people?"

"Who would want to hire me?"

"Who wouldn't? There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You don't even have a criminal record." He didn't have a high school education, but he was quite street smart, which I'd say was smarter, that a lot of guys in his age.

"Let's just say, that this really isn't for me."

"I so do not get you." I just had to walk a bit away from him. His logic was making my head hurt. Why would he want to have a life full of trouble? I guess he wasn't that smart after all.

"Hey, Cassy, I love your new hair," said one of the girls from my course. I had almost forgotten about my hair as I heard others agreeing with her. All I could do was say "thanks" and smile, but at the same time I thought, that I was going to color my hair as soon as this school day was over.

Unfortunately, I still had a couple of quite boring lectures left. After the second one, me and Seth sat on the school stairs, since all the benches were taken. My stomach was growling.

"We should get something to eat," said Seth.

"I don't have any money, remember?"

"Wait here, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" He was already gone and I was too hungry to run after him.

Luckily, he came back after a few minutes with two sandwiches.

"You stole them, didn't you?" I asked.

"Hey, if don't want it, I'll just eat it myself." I crabbed the sandwich out of his hand. What's done is done. He wasn't going to take it back, so better not waste it. I still couldn't believe I was working with a superhero - preventing crime was clearly so not my thing.

After school, we went to a shop, where I picked out the blackest hair color I could find, paid for it and then we left.

"I thought, you said, you didn't have any money?" asked Seth.

"I don't. I used yours." He started going through is pockets.

"Please, you think it is that easy to forget how to be a pickpocket? I can't believe you had that much money in your pocket and you still stole those sandwiches and took my food." Crabbing his wallet was probably the easiest thing to do, he had become a lot more careless, than before or maybe it was just around me.

"Why do you think I had so much money in my pocket?"

"You tell me? I would have thought that those guys took all your money away from you."

"If they already got a bag full of money, why would they care about some little cash in my pocket, besides they wanted to kill me. And if you really want, I can buy you a pizza for tonight." A bag full of money, when I only cave him an envelope? Why did he have to take my money, when he had so much? What a jerk!

"More like I can buy you a pizza, because I have all of your money now." I waved his wallet in front of his face.

"Come on, I need that. That is all I got for me and the others. Which reminds me, that I should probably go and tell them, that I'm not dead and bring them some food too."

"Oh, please. They are all adults, they can live a couple of days without daddy Seth looking after them."

"Trust me, they can't."

"Well then you haven't raised them properly."

"That's probably true. You are the only one that came out right." He said jokingly while putting his hand around me and hugging me.

"Now you are just grossing me out," I said, pushing him away.

"You know we could get a lot faster to your dorm, if you could just teleport us there."

"Right. I forgot I could do that." I liked to be normal, so I tried to block all that superhero thing out.

I checked to see if anyone was watching, but nobody was around, so I crabbed Seth's arm and once I opened my eyes we were in my room like the last time. This time unfortunately I couldn't be happy about it for very long... I didn't feel so good. Everything was spinning and Seth's voice seemed to go farther-farther away very quickly. My legs couldn't carry me anymore. The last thing I remembered before blacking out were Seth's strong arms around me, holding me.


Merry Christmas in advance!

CassandraWhere stories live. Discover now