Chapter Nine

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I am so sorry this chapter took so long. I had writers block for quite a long time. I'm on summer break now so hopefully I can update soon but I am not sure when I will again. Make sure to follow my instagram account Buchanan.Draws. I hope you enjoy this chapter and again I am so sorry!!

You watched Sam type away on his laptop. You fiddled around with the little pawns that were perched on top of the glowing map table. You could feel that Sam wanted to say something but felt awkward by the way he scratched the back of his neck.

"Patience hey, it's uh Dean Winchester." Dean's voice filled the room catching your guys attention. He waltzed into the room with a brown paper bag in his left hand and in his right hand he held his phone up to his ear talking to someone on the other line.

Sam let out a sigh and rested his forearms on the table. Dean moved over to the table and placed down the full brown bag. "Listen I know that I uh told you to avoid this life but uh (y/n), my brother, and I uh we're looking for someone. We put a APB on every hunter we know but we've still got nothing. We could really use a psychic's help on this. So if you could call me back... thanks." Dean sat across from Sam and hung up.

"Any word from Cass?" Dean asked still looking at his phone. "Uh yeah actually. He said that he's still looking for Jack." You responded leaning back into your chair and watch Dean's every move. "I'm working on a lead in Tucson." Sam said with his gaze on his laptop screen.

Sam looked over at Dean when his phone started ringing. Dean looked at the caller ID and raised an eyebrow. He showed Sam the screen earning a frown from him. "Hmm." Sam hummed. Before you could see the screen Dean pulled his cell phone away to answer it. He put on speaker on set it on the table.

"Hey Jody." Dean leaned into his chair. Sam shut his laptop and scooted his chair in. "Hey Jody, what's going on?" You looked over at the brothers. Who is this Jody they speak of?

A female voice spoke up. "Hey boys, I got something for ya. A friend of mine called from Bismarck PD with a lead. Said a local artist was found dead with his eyes burnt out." Your eyebrows shot up and Sam sat up straight.

Dean grabbed the brown paper bag and started rustling in it. "You can't possibly think it was Jack. My brother would never do such a thing." You spoke up. "You never know (y/n), he could be looking for Lucifer." Sam spoke slowly. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "What would Jack need to do with our father. I wouldn't even consider him my father and I am sure that my brother feels the same." You sat with your nose held up high.

"Is someone else with you boys? If you're busy I can always call back later." Jody spoke. Dean shook his head even though she couldn't see it. "Her name is (y/n). We've told you about her... she's Jack's older sister and Lucifer's eldest kid." He frowned at the thought of you guys being Satan's kid. "Hey (y/n) I'm Jody. Sam and Dean's friend. I hope the boys are treating you well. I'm sorry for your brother. I know we'll find him." You let out a soft laugh and thought about what dangers he could be in right now.

"They boys are nice but they have their moments. Some more than the other-" your eyes flickered to Dean. "-but they're nice. I do hope we find him. I really do miss him." Your eyebrows furrowed in sorrow.

"But (y/n) think about it. He may not be the same Jack that you know. He could change. People always change and never stay the same for long. Change is a thing you can always count on." Jody warned you but tried to suagr coat it.

You scowled. "Why does everyone keeping saying that? I know Jack. I know him. He's my brother. He would never want to do that. He freaks out when he hurts a fly. You guys just don't see him like I do. I trust him. I trust him with my life." You threw your arms up. "If you're not going to be saying anything positive about my brother then why don't you do yourself a favor and keep that thing you call a mouth shut? Hmm? I'm going to my room." You stood up really quickly and knocked your chair over.

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