chapter Five

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I made a new instagram. It's Buchanan.Draws, please go and follow it.
This chapter is mostly based on you and your little adventure you take.

You sat up in your bed. Squinting your eyes; you read the clock that made a small ticking noise from across the room.

Seeing that it was almost 5AM you climbed out of bed and put your black fluffy slipers on. You ran your fingers through your long (h/c) hair as you walked to the bathroom down the hall from your room.

Before going to the bathroom you checked on Jack. He had left his door opened. With the lights shining in the hallway you could see perfectly into his room. Being pleased that your brother was sleeping calmly you were on your way.

Once you brushed your teeth and face you walked quickly to the kitchen. Well actually it wasn't that quick. You kept taking the wrong turns. Every hall looked exactly the same. How do the brothers even live in here?

You turned a corner hoping that it'd be the kitchen. Letting out a sigh you tucked some hair behind your ear.

A door down the hall opened up. Out stepped Dean. He turned around to close the door but froze when he turned back to face down the hall and saw you standing there dumbfounded.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and walked down the hall towards you. "Good morning." You greeted. "Mornin." His voice was raspy.

You turned your whole body to watch him walk past you. "Uh Dean-" you fast walk to him. "Do you mind showing me where the kitchen is? I can't find it." You walked with him. "You've been living here for a few days. Can't you find your own way around? Sammy and I didn't have anyone show us around." You crossed your arms.

"You seem to not understand our situation. We have someone to show us around, you guys. It's not our fault that you guys didn't." You followed him down the hall.

"Yeah its not your fault but it is your fault for many other things." Dean adjusted his sleeves for his shirt. "Why do you hate us? What did we do to hurt you?" He threw his head back and laughed. "The list goes on and on. Now stop following me, you're making uncomfortable." Dean stopped and opened a door revealing the kitchen.

You stepped into the kitchen leaving behind Dean. You left the door open and started going through the cupboards looking for something appetizing to eat.

You were craving some sweets, besides that's all you've ever eaten since you were born.

Alas you opened the fridge and smiled. This is what humans call a pie. You pulled out the cold tin pan. Pulling the pan close to your face after taking off the plastic lid you took in a big whiff of the delicious smelling pie.

You set the pie on the table and grabbed a fork on the way and a glass of milk too.

After a while Dean came into the kitchen. He also went to the cupboards and started pulling out different foods. Dean started making his own breakfast when he decided to take a glance at you. His eyebrows furrowed in anger. You were eating his pie without even knowing it.

"(Y/n)!!" He shouted making you nearly topple out of your seat from the sudden outburst. He stormed over to you and smacked the fork out of your hands. It hit the wall and clattered to the floor.

"What the hell are you doing? That's my pie you idiot." He grabbed the tin pan off of the table. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know." You stuttered. "Next time ask." He held the pie tightly in his grip and set it on the counter.

"Dean just let her be." Now Sam walked into the kitchen. He grabbed the pie from the counter and mumbled something to Dean that you couldn't hear.

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