Chapter Eight

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I am so sorry that the past few chapters have been kinda crummy. Those were rushed. I have been so busy and I barely have to write now. I still try to type a little each day though. I hope you guys can bear with me for a little longer. Thank you so much and follow my new instagram account Buchanan.Draws

Right now you guys are sitting in the front room of the bunker. There is still no sigh of your little brother Jack keeping you on edge and completely worried about him. He's the only family you've got.

Dean is sitting at the table cleaning his pistol and Sam is pacing around the room listening to his thoughts. You are sitting at another table watching the brothers struggle.

The only sound that could be heard is Dean's guns clanking around and Sam's shoes tapping against the hard cold floor.

Dean nearly jumped out of his seat with the sound of his phone ringing. He quickly answered it and put it on speaker. Sam stopped moving and listened closely.

"Dean Winchester?" A man's voice spoke up. Dean wipped his gun with a cloth. "Yeah, who's this?" He asked looking over at you. "I think I have something you might interested in." Dean set his gun down. Sam sat across from him. "Nah, we're happy with our cable provider, thank you."

Dean touched his phone getting ready to hang up. "What about your nephilim? The boy." You stood up from your seat. "Word on the street is that he's gone rogue." Dean motioned for you too sit down. "Yeah what street is that?" Dean sassed back.

The man chuckled. "Hell street. Hell Avenue. Just. Hell really." Sam shook his pointer finger telling him no. "Demon." Sam whispered and Dean rolled his eyes and nodded.

"What if I told you that I have a way to find your boy? Meet me at smile diner at 12:45." Without another word the mystery man hung up.

"We have to go." You stood back up. "What? We shouldn't go. It's most likely a trap (y/n)." Sam also stood up.

"So? It's better than nothing. Castiel is no help. Where is he anyways? He just left us." Dean scooted his chair back. "Do not talk about him. You don't know him like we do. He is going to find something."

You slammed your hands down. "He's my brother Dean. Not yours. I need to find him. I have to. You cannot stop me. I'm going with or without you guys." You pushed your chair in and stormed off into your room.

You slammed your door to make sure they know you're angry. You opened up your closet and grabbed your black Jansport backpack. Someone started knocking on your door. "Go away!" You shouted and opened your drawers to get your clothes.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dean's voice boomed from behind you. "What's it look like?" You spoke but didn't turn around. "Are you actually going to go?" He moved a little closer to you. "Dean. I need to find him. Wouldn't you want to find Sam."

He threw his arms up at your question. "Of course I would. But... this is different." You went to your closet again and pulled out some of your old t-shirts that you got from the boys.

"How is this different? Hmm? Tell me Dean. Why can't I go look for him?" He grabbed your right shoulder and pulled you back to look at him. "Angels and demons are hunting your asses down. Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?"

You pulled yourself away. "I may be new to this world but I'm not an idiot. That's more of a reason to find my brother." You leaned in closer to him to give him your glare. "I can't just leave him out there alone and afraid." Dean's eyebrows furrowed. "You'll be just like that. We'll all just stay here and find another way."

"If I have a chance then I'll take it. I know Jack would do it for me." You continued stuffing your bag then zipped it up. Swinging your backpack on you looked up to see Dean still staring at you. "What?" You snapped. He frowned. "(Y/n), please listen-" you cut him off.

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