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I awoke, feeling exhaustingly satisfied, and allowed a smile to grow on my face. There were only the sheets on the bed that covered my nudity, and I could feel my hair traveling everywhere across my pillow. Tilting my head slightly, I saw that Easton was still asleep on his stomach with one of his arms outstretched to drape over my torso.

He must have heard my breathing pattern change, because soon enough, Easton twisted his head towards me and gave a sleepy smile. "Morning, Sweetheart."

I couldn't help myself from running my fingers through his messy hair, causing him to release a satisfied sigh. "Morning."

Easton's eyes roamed my body as I played with his hair. We were both in such a relaxed state that I could not think of us doing anything else today than what we were currently doing. It felt so nice being in Easton's arms and in the familiarity of my apartment. I had gained exactly what I was looking for—a sense of tranquility and a distraction.

"You seem to be in a much better mood today than yesterday. Do you still want to beat up Noah?" His grin widened at my words, causing me to smile. It was hard to see Easton in such a good mood and not feel the same.

Easton's hand moved underneath the sheets until one of his fingers was lazily running over my stomach, sending goosebumps across my abdomen. "No, I'm too relaxed to even move, let alone think about attacking Noah."

I smiled, feeling the same way. Easton and I could not keep our hands off of each other once we began, and he kept me up all night with only some small sleeping breaks. Easton was more ravenous towards me than I had ever seen before, but I loved every moment we shared together. Knowing how much Easton desired me, needed me, made me feel more comfortable in my feelings towards him, and he helped me to focus on only us during a time when it felt like everything around me was a problem.

This satisfied state was jolted when Easton's phone began ringing from his jean's pocket on the ground. Easton's smile shifted into a frown before the first ring ended, causing me to giggle. "You should probably answer that. It might be Jake."

Easton's eyes darted to where his phone laid before his gaze returned back to me. He twisted until he was on his side and dragged me closer until our fronts were connected. "If it is important, he will call me back." His mouth connected with my neck and I felt my eyes slightly roll back as my lips barely parted. He trailed his velvet lips up until he was at the corner of my mouth when his phone again rang. Easton frustratedly groaned and buried his head in my neck, but I merely laughed. Slowly, at least compared to his usual demeanor, Easton bumbled out of bed and grabbed his phone.

"What?" From his irate tone, I could already tell that it was not Jake on the other line. Easton would not dare speak to Jake that way unless he was in a bad mood, and based on earlier, I doubted Easton was anywhere near a bad mood.

Don't be snappy with me. I need your help. Noah's gruff voice was easy to pick up on, and I felt my lips twitch at how the two teased each other. While there were many moments growing up when I did not mind not having a sibling, there were many more when I wished to have someone by my side no matter what and who I could share all of my secrets with.

Easton glanced over at me and rolled his eyes when he saw my amused expression. "I'm with Amelia right now. Can it wait?"

Actually, no. I took the truck you are working on out for a joyride, and it broke down. You know I'm not one with mechanics like you are, so I would rather have you come out and see if it can easily be fixed before I call a tow-truck. Easton ran a hand over his face at Noah's words because he knew he had to help him. Noah may have the exterior of a large brute man, but he was completely helpless with manual labor.

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