Transformed Into a Beast

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Ursa Major. Ursa Minor. Leo. I blinked away the tears creating a film over my eyes to continue spotting the constellations. Perseus. Virgo.

"She is silent." Trenton murmured, throwing me out of my thoughts. Noah and Easton remained inside the house while Aiden, Trenton, and Jake circled me. Jake and Trenton did as they said they would and carried me out to Jake's vast backyard and set me down in the clearing closest to his house.

Up to this moment, fifteen bones have broken. Not including the three in the house.
Jake had morphine in his house (I was so out of it I did not have time to question this) and injected me with it until the pain became a dull throb. At least between the bone cracking. It was like I was a branch going through a wood chipper—snapping all of my insides into smaller pieces.

"Is that good? I don't think that is good. There is usually a lot of noise made." Aiden's voice pierced my ears and I winced. My vision continued to go in and out. Everything seemed to be fading on me, and I was willing it to all just end quickly.

Jake moved towards me and crouched down onto the ground to be closer to my face. The worry in his eyes had vanished and he was now staring at me with a straight face. "Amelia Hawkins, you cannot fight the change, but you cannot also give up. You will die if you give up and I am not going to allow that to happen." From what I was going through, death seemed like a sweet relief.

I was welcoming any ways to rid my pain, and if death was the only answer, I was ready.

"Amelia," Jake began again to get my attention, although it was easy for me to zone out. He rested his ice-cold hand against my cheek, making me release a large gasp of air. I felt my eyelids begin to close when I heard another snap, but the constant distress was not bothering me anymore. He began lightly slapping my cheek. "Hey, hey, Amelia? You need to stay awake." He continued to pester me from my moment of peace, but I merely ignored his constant talking and closed my eyes.

"Alright, she is back," Aiden yelled over my moan of pain that woke me from my slumber. More bone was cracking at a faster pace and I felt my muscles pull and stretch to the limit. My back hunched over uncontrollably and I was left on my hands and knees. I rested my forehead on the cool blades of grass and sucked in air as I felt hot lava replace my blood. "Um, Jake, I think you should get over here," Aiden called, grabbing Jake's attention. I felt a breeze and then his hand on my back, feeling like a branding iron making its mark. I fell entirely onto the ground with a gasp because the air was sucked from my lungs.

"Okay, Amelia, you are ready to shift and I am going to help you get through it." Jake's words were hardly hearable over my screaming and the ringing growing louder in my ears. I was not that grateful for his words because when I heard get through it I never imagined anything pleasant.

"Just let me die," I groaned, curling up into myself. I felt something happening in my hand so I straightened out my arm to see what was happening. The knuckles and bones in my fingers looked like they were crawling under my skin and changing the shape of my hand. The sight was so gruesome that I fell back into unconsciousness.

I was awoken to my spine bending over and my dress back ripping. The pain was so excruciating that I did not even worry about my partial nudity while being surrounded by males. Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I thought about how long this pain could last and if I could make it. I flipped on my side to compensate for my hunched back and heaved. My outstretched arm was still mutating and now the hairs on my arm were growing out and turning coarse.

A body blocked my view of the woods and I was able to see Easton lying next to me through my spotted vision. This was the first time that I had seen Easton since I was taken out of the house. He rolled over onto his side to face me. His red hair was tousled and his face blank, but I was positive that I looked worse. "Hey, Sweetheart." Easton's voice was hoarse like he had been yelling earlier.

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