Rising Tensions

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The next day, I decided I had enough of the new life I was living and needed a break. I told Easton that exact statement when I woke up next to him and while suspicious as to what I meant, he agreed to let me have a day off.
Instead of going over to The House for the day, Easton and I lazed around my apartment and did absolutely nothing.

It was bliss.

While we watched any random movie that we could find on television and ate our delivery pizza, I made sure to ignore all of my thoughts of Turner, or Alpha Brent, or the fact that I could have very well been kidnapped last night. Instead, I lived out my imaginary world and pretended that Easton and I were just a normal couple enjoying some down time together. I was almost able to convince myself that we could be that normal until I passed one of my apartment windows and caught a glimpse of a large, furry animal patrolling around the building.

"Does Trenton not work today?" I asked casually, moving past the window without a second glance.

Easton, who was lounging on the couch, had his eyes trained on me. Just like every other thing in my life, I blatantly ignored Easton's pestering stares throughout the day. I could tell he thought I was going to do something crazy, but all I needed was one day of normality. Just one. Seeing Trenton in his not so human form kind of burst that bubble. "I believe he doesn't."

"Hm." I lied down next to Trenton and scooted away from the ledge so that my back was pressed against his front. "That would explain why I just saw him outside. Day-time patrol, also? I don't think that is necessary."

Easton moved my hair away from my neck and kissed behind my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I would say that everything is necessary to keep you safe," he whispered as his hand trailed up and down my side.
I couldn't help but giggle slightly, causing Easton's hand to freeze on my hip. "Cuddly you is a lot different than brooding you," I explained, and his fingers continued their path.

"I have never been in a situation like this before. Being with women before doesn't even compare to the connection that I feel when I am with you. It is like my entire world is beginning to revolve around you, and that..." Easton paused and sucked in a rough breath while I was struggling to even get in a wisp of air.

"Is a lot to take in. I know. I feel the same way." It would have been impossible to say that I didn't feel calm when Easton was around, or the fact that his presence gave me the strength I needed to face hardships like Turner. It seemed I calmed Easton down, also, which made our relationship act as teamwork.

He curled his arms around me and squeezed as he released a relieved sigh. "You do? That was really hard for me to admit, thinking that I was having one-sided feelings."

I rested my hand on his and tilted my head to see his eyes. "When I'm not with you, I feel almost lost, but when I am with you, I am complete. But..." I inhaled deeply, gaining the courage to speak what my heart was telling me not to. "This is all happening so fast. I'm worried that we are going to move to fast and then things between us are going to change. I don't want to lose you from my life."

Easton's forehead crinkled with disbelief. "You are never going to lose me. I'm not leaving."

Giving a breathless laugh, I rested my head back against his chest so that he could not see my glistening eyes. "Yeah, and I am going to make sure of that by taking thing slowly." The thought of Turner ripping me away from my life with Easton and the rest of my family burned a hole in my chest. While I would be devastated, I couldn't bear the thought of what emotional state I would be leaving Easton in if I left him. Even now, after hearing how Easton feels towards me, I can already tell my departure would devastate him. I can't let his feelings grow until I know for certain that I won't be leaving. Creating too close of attachments with my new family and then being taken away would be too much for all of us, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt one of the Five Musketeers.

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