Dinner Night

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The drive into town was a quiet one. I was afraid that Jake had heard Easton and me and now did not know what to say, but neither did I. Easton's parting words had stayed with me like he was hoping, and now I could not look at the men the same way. I flew down the stairs without saying goodbye to Aiden or even Trenton or Noah and waited impatiently by Jake's car.

Currently, Jake was taking me back into the main part of Moab to drop me off at my apartment, and then I was going to take a nap for eternity. "When will I get my car back?" My voice cutting through the silence made me seem louder than normal.

"Later tonight. You can trust Aiden." I had a feeling Jake did not just mean trusting Aiden for bringing my car back safely. He must have noticed the bigger connection I had with Aiden compared to the other men in the house, but that was only because Aiden was my age. It was easier to connect with a guy that could have already been my friend than men that would be closer to my dad's friends.

"I don't know who I can trust anymore," I mumbled and moved closer into the window.

The car was silent for a moment. "You can trust me. And the others."

I scoffed. "Does that include Easton? The one who murdered...and tried to murder me? He should be behind bars!" I felt my anger build up underneath me like a current and I had to brace myself from being swept away.

"That is not how we handle our problems. But I will deal with Easton." Jake promised me and patted my thigh. I flinched, and he paused his movements before removing his hand.

"So you will just let him get away with murder?" I snapped, grabbing the hem of my shirt as tight as I could. I was starting to realize how stupid it was of me to be so trusting of Jake, despite all that he had shown me. I had just met him and I already allowed him to take me to his house and give me rides. I did not know anything about Jake and we had already seen each other more than I normally see my own friends.

I let go of my shirt at the same time that I let out a gust of air. "You know what? It is not a long walk from here to town. Please pull over for me." I was already opening the door by the time that Jake registered my words.

"Woah!" He exclaimed, swerving to the side of the road as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I jumped out at the moment that the car was slow enough and began to walk away. While I may have seemed crazy to the passerby's, the moment was the clearest I had felt in the past couple of days. I was not meant to be with these people, especially after what Easton had told me.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jake pull up and cruise next to me as I walked. "Amelia, I know this is scary, but I can help you through this. You need to trust me."

I ripped the hair tie from around my wrist and pulled my brunet hair up into a high ponytail as it continued to get into my eyes. The humidity, heat of the sun, and my anger were making it harder to breathe but I continued on with Jake right beside me. "I have been too trusting lately. I don't even know you!"

Jake continued to roll next to me. "Let's change that. Come back over next week and I will have dinner prepared. You can get to know the others, also. I will be able to tell you more about what is going on."

His offer was too enticing. I stopped walking and turned towards the car. Jake was leaning over with an arm outstretched and a hand on the rolled down window closest to me. "I don't like Easton. I don't trust him."

"He doesn't have to be there," He offered, giving me a serious look that told me he meant business.

I paused. "How do I know that I can trust you?" Easton's words put me on guard, and I now saw Jake in another light. Instead of the man who gave me the answers to what I was struggling with and acting like a guardian to me, he now looked like he could and did kill people. I tried to put that thought in my mind as I stared at him to hold myself back from getting into the car again.

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