Chapter 18

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Louis' pov

" you're pregnant with identical twins"
That's all that left the doctors mouth. Well all I heard before I passed out.
I woke up in our bed at home, well mums house, yeah home. And a tiny human beside me.
It was Doris, I rolled over and hugged her gently,  "I love you dori" I whispered, she just rolled over in response. "Goodmorning darling" mum spoke softly, not wanting wake the baby in my arms.

Not long after Mum left Harry came in and jumped on the bed, well I thought it was harry, I rolled over to see fiz with a massive smile on her face. "FIZ!!" I yelled, jumping up and hugging her tightly, "boo bear!! How have you been? Heard you are expecting?!" She squealed, "yeah, we're having twins!" She just made a inhuman noise and hugged me gently. Then my man walked in. "Hello everyone, I see you have just been told we're having twins?" Harry grinned. "HOW MANY GRANDCHILDREN AM I GETTING??!" Mum yelled running up the stairs, "Mum we're having twins, I thought Harry told you!" I said looking over at Harry, "I was to shy to tell her" he blushed, "IM SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF YOU BOTH!" Mum hugged us both, tears of joy coming out of her eyeballs.
After our excitement we all got ready for the day and went downstairs.
It was the 23rd, the day before my birthday. Tomorrow we are going to London and having a family outing. "I have really missed you all so much" I said looking at everyone, it's been so long and now that phoebe is going to be in and out of hospital and me pregnant it's going to be a bit more difficult but also easier to be together" I looked over at Mum and she was smiling with more happy tears at her eyes. "Yes and I'm so happy that you and Harry are finally going to give me grandchildren" she said turning her head and looking at Lottie making her laugh. I really do cherish these moments, I love my family more than anything.

Sup people. Merry Christmas/not Christmas have a good day x
Take care xx

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