"It's Kaiden," his deep voice startled her, his brown eyes riveting as they continued staring at her.

Alpha Kaiden...hot!! Lexi mind linked. Chesca kicked her foot under the table.

"And why did you leave your pack?" Charles asked. He was her beta, but also Lexi's mate. Her command had become like family, helping Chesca rule and keep the entire pack safe. She realised they were now cross-examining him for her, this man who they really knew nothing about. She smiled, but it quickly slipped when she saw him frowning.

"My father...." he began, "didn't think I was fit to lead. He pushed me away, and that is all I want to say about it."

A man of secrets...mysterio—

Chesca kicked Lexi's foot again.

The table was silent for a moment, and when Kaiden's eyes found hers once more, she saw a flicker of pain pass through them. A small part of her heart wanted to reach out and understand that pain, ease some it. She knew enough of it to recognise it.

"How long have you been rogue?" Roman pinned him with a serious gaze.

"I wouldn't call it rogue," his eyes once more held hers. "But about 4 months."

"Then I assume you've lied and stolen and killed your way to survival?" one of her warriors—an older man with burly arms as thick as her thighs—asked with disdain. "Our Alpha is very strict when it comes to her penalties for criminals."

"I'm sure she is," the corners of his mouth lifted as he peered at her intensely.

A strange emotion curled in her stomach, a mixture of nervousness and annoyance. She decided she'd had enough.

"So," she began quickly and stared at her plate. "Where will you be heading tomorrow?" she looked up at the man sitting across from her, his clean-shaven jaw line moving slowly as he chewed, drawing her thoughts away once more.

"I'm not going anywhere tomorrow. I'm staying."

She choked on the peas she'd just eaten and flicked her eyes to his. They sparkled, and held amusement at something she did not find funny.

"I want to get to know my mate, my Luna," he added with all seriousness.

This time Lexi choked, spewing red juice all over the table. She knew how much Chesca would hate that statement.

"I do not want a mate," Chesca rose from the table. "And I'm certainly not a Luna, ready to stand second behind a domineering Alpha."

"Here it goes," Lexi muttered and put her fork down to watch. Charles shot her a frown. "Whaaat?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I made a vow five years ago," Chesca said lowly, her fingers clenched around the table's edge, "to lead my pack. To rule this dominion and never give control to anyone. Anyone! Including a mate. And especially not an Alpha."

Kaiden's jaw twitched, and his arm muscles flexed as he too rose. She could tell he was restraining himself. Maybe she'd pushed him too far. After all, he could easily snap and go on a killing spree, for all she knew. Isn't that what his father was known for?

"Don't want to be a luna? But that is a woman's rightful place!" he crossed around the table and stood close to her.

"I am an Alpha, and no man will tell me what I can or cannot be," she glared at him, her temper fuming.

"Guys," Roman cautioned.

"You think I can tell you that you can't be my mate? That's not possible. It's fate. And together we can—"

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