Dear Mother, this squirrel needs to be protected at all costs.

In a second, the girls started squealing their hearts out due to the sudden blast of unbearable cuteness, some boys even turning gay. Not kidding.

Most of them started volunteering to take Jihoon to his class, forgetting about Woojin's presence. The new talk of the school is about to rise. Park Jihoon, the cutie pie.

The power of flower boys are no joke after all.

As the crowd scattered, Woojin was left with Raeyeon as his twin got dragged away by the waves of girls.

"Him and his plans." she heard Woojin mutter under his breath as he stuck his two hands in his pocket.


Woojin noticed her presence and cleared his throat. "I-I thought you were following Jihoon as well."

Raeyeon chuckled. "I was going to," she confessed, causing Woojin to snicker. "but since I need a friend, I'd have to stay with you."

He scoffed. "What friend? That sounds so lame-" then remembered Jihoon's advice. "-but I guess I need one too."

Raeyeon looked at him in awe, eyes sparkling so dramatically as if she'd just received the biggest trophy made in history. She clung her arms with his and cheekily smiled. "I'll give you a tour around school!"

And so they did.

One by one, she stopped place to place, explaining ever so thoroughly as if the school was some sort of museum. It's just her way of explaining things. She'd say, "there was an incident in this cafeteria last week, where a junior spilled coffee on a senior's blouse and it made her become a victim of ostracizing." 

Anyone would wonder why there were so many drama already when it was just the second week, however, to be fully honest, mostly everyone enjoyed the show. 

"This is an abandoned classroom," she spoke, pointing towards the closed, cranky wooden door 2 meters away from them. "Rumors said that the room is cursed."

"Cursed?" Woojin finally spoke up.

Raeyeon turned to him. "This is what I heard," she whispered, while ushering him to lean in, which he did. "That class is haunted."

Woojin leaned back and made a face at her. "Oh wow that's it?" 

"Ghosts are not to be taken for granted!" Raeyeon half-shouted. "You want to get cursed your whole life? Three students went there to peacefully study alone since the library was packed and they got the worst marks ever since."

"That could've been just their usual marks."

"They're one of the smartest in our class, Park Woojin." she uttered in a monotone. "This is what happens when you miss 2 holy weeks of school. You miss the big news."

Woojin snickered and fastened his steps forward, towards the said to be 'cursed room'. 

Raeyeon widened her eyes at him. "Where are you going?" 

"In?" he courageously uttered. "Besides, I want to see whether or not the rumors are true." he was right in front of the door. "Want to come?" he innocently asked.

Raeyeon looked at him in disbelief. Anyone would've avoided the class after the infamous story, but this guy she befriended was just standing 5 cm close to it as if what he heard just flew by his ears. 

Park Woojin is weird.

A minute waiting, Woojin chuckled. "You know, if you stay outside alone and scared, the ghost might just aim for you instead of the calm me. So do you want to come or-"

Without further words, Raeyeon dashed into the boy's side. "I believe in God."

She bet that he was having fun, playing with her like this. He just had to be such a daredevil. 

Woojin smirked in victory after her defeat and giggled. "I like humans." his eyes enlarged and his hands went its way up to smack his own cheeks. "forget what I just said."

Raeyeon, totally not grasping to his weird remark, shrugged it off even though she knew he just sounded like some freaky cannibal. 

As the boy opened the feared door, Raeyeon grasped onto his blazer, silently muttering words from the holy book, and praying with all her might. Protect me from the evil spirits hidden within.

As if they were a couple entering a haunted house in a fair, they walked in.



Woojin's annoying ass laugh erupted, cutting off Raeyeon's serious pleads. She was this close to a critical heart attack on her age. What an utter dUckhead.

Just as Raeyeon was about to start a fist fight, a loud groan rang in their ears as if they've woken up a beast in a cave. Goosebumps arose in the poor girl's milky skin, as her body started trembling while Woojin was just there, casually searching for the source of the sound.

"You guys are so noisy." a husky voice spoke.

The owner of it appeared from the dark part of the room, taking little heavy steps towards the two, its broad figure, and blonde messy hair starting to come into sight. He was a guy. He had the school's shirt, but no blazer, basically the full uniform without the tie and blazer. And there he was, squinting his eyes at the two.

He was undeniably hot.

"Oh?" he spoke. "Woojin?"

Raeyeon choked on her own saliva when he said that name. So they know each other-



[A/N: i think some of you guys get confused when i use the thing like PARK WOOJIN or ONG RAEYEON but just to let you guys know, it's a change of the main situation yakno what im sayin? no? 

but yo i think i write a whole lot in this book compared to the other books i write wow just let me know if it's too boring when i write too much. or is it better when it's more? bCUZ LoiKE 1300+ wORDs fORgiVE mE guiSE 




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