Chapter 16: Chance

Start from the beginning

Franco nodded and returned to the car.

This time he grabbed the keys from one of the driver's hands and took off by himself back to the city.

Brooklynn ran through the place until she bumped straight in Dr. Cassandra Lauren, one of her dad's hired specialists.

"Brooklynn?!" Dr. Cassandra squealed as both she and Brooklynn fell to the floor.

Great... Brooklynn had just gotten her fiance hurt and now she had also hurt a doctor. It wasn't the best track record.

"I'm so sorry," Brooklynn apologized before helping the doctor off of the floor.

"You can't run inside of a medical facility... you never know what kind of crazy shit is happening," Dr. Lauren joked in attempt to force the forlorn look off of Brooklynn's face.

Brooklynn only managed to give her a half-smile, "I'm sorry, I'm just in a hurry, someone was brought here, Stefan-"

Dr. Lauren nodded, "Yes, I was told. He's being patched up right now. I helped with his x-rays and his MRI."

Dr. Lauren had to deal with a lot on a daily basis, especially with Don trying repeatedly to make her go out with him. One thing she didn't expect however, was to X-Ray the non-affiliated fiance of her Boss' daughter.

"How is he?" Brooklynn questioned immediately.

The grim look on Dr. Lauren's face caused her immediate distress, "They're working on stabilizing him. From what I could see he had some swelling and bleeding to the brain. He's in surgery with Dr. Kendall and Dr. Esposito right now. We won't know anymore until he's out."

Brooklynn sighed, "Okay. I'll just wait in the lounge, I guess."

Dr. Lauren gave her a sad look, "Come on, join me for a cup of coffee. I need it before I have to fix anymore bullet wounds tonight."

Brooklynn reluctantly followed her.

There was nothing she could do until Stefan came out.

Franco sped through the highway, not caring about anything, his head was focused on one thing and one thing only. Finding Kaitlyn.

He knew where she was.

It only took a short call to Don to find out. After all, Don enjoyed fucking some of the whores regularly. He was always hanging around Uncle Vitali's houses.

Don had told him the exact address of where the bitch currently was.

As he sped through the highway on his way back to the city, he noticed a pair of blue lights flashing behind him. He growled in irritation before pulling over.

He didn't have time for this shit.

Fortunately he was close enough to the city that he knew the cop was on the Boss' payroll.

He tapped his foot impatiently while rolling down his window.

"License and registration-" The cop said the moment he got to Franco's window.

"How much?" Franco questioned.

The cop looked at him in shock and pulled out his flashlight to get a good look at Franco's face.

His eyes widened when he recognized the man.

"I-" the police-man tried to say.

Franco didn't pay attention and instead pulled out a stack of cash from the center console of the SUV he was driving and handed it to the officer.

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