Chapter 14

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The students were just finishing breakfast when one of the guards ran in.

"He's here. With the army and everything!" they announced

Everyone stood up and started their preparations for the battle. Gathering their units/teams. Starting to set up defences around the castle, reporting to their stations and planning on how they would proceed. Once they stood ready the Death Eaters started taking down the protective barrier around Hogwarts.

Couples said maybe a last goodbye to each other, siblings gave each other maybe their last hug and friends said goodbye. No one knew if they would come out of this alive, but they hopped their loved ones would be safe.

Once the barrier was down the higher defences started firing spells at the enemy and the battle for the wizarding world started. Voldemort and his army against under half the students at Hogwarts, The Order of The Phoenix, a handful of teachers and the mages of Fairy Tail. The odds were dangerously stacked against them.

Death Eaters started to fall to the ground, hit be spells, while the group defending Hogwarts started to loses people. The battle kept going for hours and hours. Each side having severely injured wizards and fatalities. This is not what the defenders of Hogwarts wanted but like they already knew. War had no rules.

As they got closer to the end only a handful of Death Eaters stood by the Dark Lord. Their other members having fallen in battle. The students had all retreated to the Great Hall, where their injred were laying and their dead were resting. You could here cries fro all over, some mourning their lost one and other crying in pain. This battle would come to an end soon, that is what they vowed. That is when they decided to evacuate the rest only leaving a small handful of able bodied wizards standing to help defeat the Dark Lord. They made their way out back to the field where their enemies waited to take over the wizarding world.

They clashed then and they're each trying to end this war and win. The defenders had the odds stacked against them and they knew that. But they fought with every fibre of their beings, so they could win this battle. But they were so close to being defeated by the people who wanted to take their freedom away.

The only way that they could win is by a miracle.


Hey guys so next chapter i post will be the finale chapter. SO get ready for this story to come to an end!


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