06. It's Been A Long, Long time

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Jysella's breath caught in her throat. She fought a smile. Poe's broad shoulders flexed as he spoke. He was talking to Finn, a wide smile on his face. The younger man was wearing Poe's jacket. Jysella had to admit it looked good on him.

She was spotted first by BB8. The droid let out a screeching whirr and rolled its way to her. Jysella lit up inside. The droid nuzzled her leg like a house pet. She dropped to her knees and placed a hand on its domed head.

The droid was bleeping a mile a minute telling her about his ordeal on Jakku. He whistled about how he was saved by some girl called Rey and about being chased by Rathtars. BB8 even mentioned Finn who helped them get to the Resistance, along with Han and Chewie. Jysella shook her head. What a small galaxy.

'You're a brave little droid.' The droid spun around and alternated up and down on its hydraulics. It spoke proudly about his mission to carry information for his Poe. 'You've been on quite the adventure,' she chuckled. 'It's good to see you Beebee –ate.' The droid bleeped on as Jysella straightened up.

Poe's eyes widened as took her in fully. He patted his friend on the shoulder before running straight to her. Jysella could see that it was a struggle for him to breathe properly. Looks like he hadn't had his ribs seen to by the medical team yet.

In the next moment, she was enveloped in a flash of orange. The smell of sweat and Starship fuel wafted over her. She revelled in the moment. Nothing else was going on around her. It was just her and Poe.

She closed her eyes as he pressed his forehead lovingly into her hair. One of his hands softly cradled the back of her neck. Poe leaned back to look in her eyes, his hands moved to stroke up and down her arms. Jysella could have been standing there for hours looking at him. She didn't care. She opened her mouth to try and find the right words, but none came.

She pulled him into a kiss. It was soft and loving, it felt like home. They both ignored the slight pain that came from their chapped lips pressing together. His hot breath fanned across her cheeks.

'I can't believe your actually here.' Poe bit his lip, eyes glazed over. His eyes flicked back to her lips for a moment. 'It's been so long.' Jysella smiled battling the tears brimming in her eyes. He quickly pecked her again and took a small step back.

'It's good be back' She paused. 'Even with all things considered.' He linked a hand with hers. His thumb stroked along Jysella's wrist, sending tingles up and down her arm.

'Yeah, it's been uh, pretty hectic to say the least.' Poe rubbed the back of his neck. 'Did you feel it?' Jysella didn't need him to clarify, she knew he was talking about annihilation of the Hosnian system. She nodded. She couldn't bring herself to say more about it. She didn't want to trigger another image about the genocide that had occurred only hours ago.

'What about you?' Jysella spoke up. 'You were on the Finalizer with Kylo Ren.' Poe opened his mouth, eyebrows furrowed. If Jysella only just got back how did she know about his mission? She squeezed his hand. 'I'll tell you how I know later.'

Poe breathed out a laugh and tried to brush it off. 'Well it wasn't exactly a picnic.'

He gave a crooked grin that didn't quite reach his eyes. She saw through it immediately and Poe knew this too. She carried on. 'Why was he interrogating you?' BB8 whistled out the answer before his master had the chance to.

Luke Skywalker

Jysella shivered. A map to Luke Skywalker. She couldn't think of anything to say, she dragged a hand over her face. Things had just gotten even more complicated. While they were catching up Finn had quietly joined the pair. She looked to him.

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