03. Find My Love

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What the druk just happened. It feels like I was kicked in the head by a Bantha. 

Jysella registered the dulcet bleeping of K5 in the background. The droid was calling her a 'useless meat bag'. She rolled her eyes and propped herself up with one arm. She narrowed her eyes at the machinery around her. I'm in a TIE fighter? 

 Jysella jolted as she was reminded of the events that had just transpired on the Finalizer. Poe! He was on the other fighter with that trooper, well ex -trooper. What was his name again? Flynn? It was something like that. She pulled herself up with the dangling straps of what used to be her seatbelt. Her memories of the recent events were getting clearer.

Hearing her groan K5 let out a rash of blips. 'Yeah I'm awake. How long was I out?' Jysella's vision was still a little blurry. With the viewport facing the ground it was hard to gather was time it was on Jakku. Her holowatch would be no use as it was acclimated to the work cycle of the Finalizer. 

She almost balked at his reply. 'Seven hours! Poe and Finn could be back on the Finalizer for all I know.' She kicked the hull of the fighter. K5 bleeped.

'Yeah well the chance of them getting off Jakku without running into some kind of trouble is pretty slim. I hope they're okay...' Jysella trailed off. K5 replied with a whistle.

'Yeah you usually are the pessimistic one, guess it's my turn for once.' Jysella bit out as she moved into crouch. She felt around in her boots. The computer Spike was still in her boot and so was her viroblade. Going by the scratching sensation in her bra, the comlink was still there too. Not that it would have helped her to find Poe. He would need the transmission code if she wanted to send him a message. Even then he would have to have his own comlink.

Jysella took a moment to reach out with the force. Not daring to stretch too far with the possibility of Kylo Ren being in orbit around the planet. Nothing. She frowned. Maybe he got off the planet. K5 let out a low bleep at Jysella.

'Yeah I'm working on it K5. I'm a little frazzled from my concussion. Not to mention my sprained wrist is making things so much easier.'

Without warning she flicked off the droids seatbelt. K5 screeched as he slammed into the viewport next to Jysella. 'Nice of you to join me K5.' She smirked. Before she gave the droid a chance to reply she pressed the button to open the viewport. They dropped a few feet down onto the sand. .' The chill of the cool night air hit her immediately. The droid rolled a few feet while Jysella dropped to her knees. K5 whistled at her angrily.

'What? It was getting a little stuffy in there. Plus I need to see if there's any external damage to the engine. Otherwise we're not going anywhere.' With how long Jysella was out, she estimated that it was early morning. With the visibility and terrain it would be extremely hard to find the other fighter. Even with the scanning capabilities of a Special Forces fighter.

On her way to the back of the TIE fighter Jysella paused. There was a large shard peaking over the top of the sand dune that the fighter was partly buried in. She clumsily climbed the sand dune. 

She reeled at the sight. From the base of the structure she could tell it was the keel of a capital starship. The rest of the keel no longer look like part of a starship, it was covered in blackened glass. About 12 klicks away she could see the towering remnants of imperial destroyers. Jysella whistled. This must have been where the Battle of Jakku came to an end and with it, the last stand of the Galactic Empire. She could make out some AT AT'S in the distance.

A series of panicked bleeps carried over the wind. She spun around. There was a figure skulking around the TIE fighter. K5 was brandishing his welding torch arm at the intruder. Jysella rushed down as quickly as she could. With a small flick of her uninjured wrist her viroblade was out.

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