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*All is quiet on the set of 2MW, but wait where is the hostess the show starts in less than a min...*

*Creeping up slowly behind the audience she waits to the last second before screaming BOOO!!!, which sends them into fits of surprised squeals...*

"HAHAHAHA OMG YOUR FACES!!! Hehehe anyways, hai guys and welcome back to another episode of 2MW..."

"Today on the show we have a remarkable young lady and i guess her name says it all for her personality...Give it up for youXfoundXme everybody!!!  :D x"

*Audience claps as she bounces onto the stage*

Hai and welcome to 2MW...

Hello, audience. Prepare to be entertained.

Haha I'm sure they will be...


Firstly may i just say that i thoroughly love your work, 'The only girl in the band' is by far my really started to play on my emotions...

I'm really surprised it's receiving the attention and praise that it's getting. It was only my second story and it wasn't expected at all. I am deeply honored.

Ok what is your name?

You can call me Sunny.

Ok so Sunny, how did you stumble across the wacky world of wattpad?

Funny story (except not really). I used to be on Quizilla and I was reading this person's story who kept mentioning this website called "Wattpad". And so I explored and lo and behold! I found Wattpad.

Tell us five things about yourself which your fans dont already know...

1. I'm awesome.
2. I may have a mild case of A.D.D.
3. I am in college.
4. English is my favorite subject, but I want to be a doctor.
5. I'm freakin' awesome.

Who or what inspires you with your stories?

I like to think I write like an author named Sarah Dessen.

Cool. So in stories it is often found that each character reflects the author. Which character out of all your books reflects you the most?

Probably Tori from The Mail Boy because she's crazy.

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

I would have the superpower of being able to harness the magic of Harry Potter.

Oh gosh wouldnt we all want that power :D...

 Finally do you have anything to say to your fans and aspiring watty writers?

Be like me because I'm awesome.


Just kidding. Honestly, the best piece of advice is don't be afraid. Yes, writing a story is daunting at first. Yes, you may have a brilliant idea at first and then it fizzles out. Yes, you may have an amazing story, but it isn't recognized. But don't let any of that stop you, because if writing is what you love to do, then keep doing it. Because as long as it makes you happy, that's what counts. Screw what other people say or think. =)

Thank you for your time, its been really cool having you on the show :) x

What show am I on again?

Hahaha lol, the most legendary show which is soo good it's in the league of Harry Potterness!!

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