7: make up your mind boy .. huh

En başından başla

"ohh cool" aah so he called for work purpose.. *sigh*

"and he told me about your physics test results.. your welcome.." 

"so you called to claim your credit haan..??" huh proudyy ass.. proudy hot ass..

"sort of.."

"uh okayy.." i had nothing to say.. nor did he..

"hmm.." he paused.. but he didnt say anything else.. so i hung up.. because the silence wasnt comfortable for me..

next minute i got a text from him.

KV : whats the hurry ..??

me : uh nothing..

KV : rude :/

me : me?? rude..??

KV : yes.. cutting the line without saying bye is rude. i guess.

me : woaah woaah look who's talkin.. you didnt even say hi.. isn that rude .? >:/

i didnt get the message back.. instead i got the call


" Hi Naina.. Sorry Naina.." he said in a flirty mocking tone that made me blush omg what was this guy .. shitttt shitt shittt

"emm hi KV.." i blushed hard..

"how are you , NAINA??? " he emphasized on my name..

omg that was so KEWWWTT .. his voice.. my name.. his voice.. my name.. his voice.. my name.. his voice... my name... his voice... my name.... STOPPPP NAINAAAAAAA you getting mad.... ughhhhhhh

"m okay thanks"

right then my mom called me ... SHITTTTTT my mom had clearly the worst timing.. ughhh

"uh mom calling have to go .."

"yeaah i heard.. bye .. best of luck for your finals.."

"thanks .. bye"

and so we ended with the phone call !!


the next day roop texted me..

Roop : my mum called ur mum(u comin here)


Roop : yay

Me : still what..??

Roop : ask your mom. bye .. in class

Me : ok bye

asked my mom and she said that roop's mom invited me for the summer vacations.. to their place..for a change..

she said its upto me to decide.. her exact words were,

"you have your exams and tests and so much homework.. and they're calling you there.. i dnt know how will you cope up with everything.. well its upto you what you wanna do.. just don't lag behind in your studies alright.. and you dnt even study that hard.. i am so worried about you.."

so i guess she meant i dont want you to go but you are allowed if you work super hard.. and after that too i wont suggest that you should go.. bcz shge was my mom..

i studied so hard for the tests and assignments that i fell asleep in my bedroom floor. the phone vibrated and flashed with a text.

KV : roop said you coming. good.

what was this guy ... huh sometimes he acts so polite and cute and the next second he is mean as fuck.. huh and why would he talk to me like that.. he has sara.. and the thing was.. no guy talks to me like this.. everyone talks to me in sister type manner...

--Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin