28: This is your vodka speaking

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"what do i wear what do i wear what do i wearrrrrrrrrrrrrrr????????" i was already panicking for today's date with Kv. i know it wasnt a date but whatever lets call it that.

"wear this its so nice!" Di just handed me something glittery.

"but its pinkkk?" i made a cry baby face.

"whats wrong with pink??"

"what is not wrong with pink. i'm  a grown up."

"you're sixteen."

"and you're nineteen."

"Naina.. listen to me. wear this"

she handed me this black blazer with a teal boho chick top. 

"wow" my eyes just caught a shine. that was pretty amazing.

"this was supposed to be a later present for you from me but hey anyways you need it right now"

"OMGG LOLA DI YOU'RE THE BESSSSSTTT, and also get ready quick we dont have time."

i hugged her so tightly! 

since we werent allowed to party late, we lied that we are going to a dinner then we'll have a sleepover at a friend's house.

i'll go out with Kv and his his friends and Lola di will stay at her boyfriend's place. simple ! this way Kv doesnt have to meet Lola di ! my idea ! pretty great right?

i reached the nearest metro station at 8 pm, all scared up because my Di just left me here and i wasnt sure when will Kv be coming to pick me up.

but hey   i can see that guy coming from a whole mile. you know how? because he was the nicest looking man on this fucking planet wait whaaat?? oh god he was fucking wearing a dark green-sea shirt with a blazer.why was he smiling.

we were fucking matching.

we were wearing the same fucking things.


till now you've heard that karma was a bitch?

addition to that.

fate is a bitch too.

my face went pale. i can sense that. totally.

my hands were sweaty now, in this 2 degree Celsius.. as he came near me i started to panic. oh god what the fuck. 

"wow you look.. you look amazing" and now he wasnt smiling anymore.

"i didnt know you were gonna wear this. i had a pink thing too.. i should have...." i somehow managed to mumble.

"what? what are you trying to say?"

"yeah i'm trying"


i pointed out his clothes then my clothes then again his clothes and then mine, widening my eyes.

"hahahaa i didnt even notice that..well you look better than me here !!" he gave me a playful smile.

"so you're okay that we are wearing somewhat the same clothes??"

"yeah why not? we're not in the mean girls movie are we?"

"wow okay.lets go then"

"nuh uh uh .. wait wait. first lets teach you how to deal with the metro crisis"

"are you crazy? is this the time?"


"no no i'm not going anywhere alone. i'm scared okay. really scared."

"i know that. thats what i'm trying to teach you. you'll have to travel from these trains alone in the future and you cannot take your di or your friends with you."

i made a sad face.

then we boarded on the train and it wasnt scary of course when Kv was around but then later he told me if someone stays behind in the train like fails to get down on a station, so the other person takes the other train and reaches the next station . in this way both of them will meet at the next station.without getting lost.

we practiced it a couple of times. it was so fun !! we deliberately separate with some added drama so the people around us think we're some crazy people doing the same thing again  and again.

we finally reached the hauz khas village and this cute amazing place elf. the DJ there was some friend of Kv's friend's friend. yeah pretty close relation i know.

Kv offered me a drink but i refused. he wasnt drinking because he had to drive later.

he asked if i wanted to dance. i said no again.

i was the boring person ever, he might think.

"you know, its okay if you want to drink. you're okay. "

"what should i try then?" i smiled.

"green apple vodka." he handed me a shot of green apple vodka with a sweet syrup.

"omg its cute its cute" with the weirdest expression possible, i gulped down.

"haha yess?"

"one more one more" i jumped.

"you sure?"

"hell i am !"

and i had just one vodka. and of course i wasnt drunk. but good thing that day i tried vodka.

"so do you want to dance?" he reached out his perfect hand towards me.

"i cant dance." i shouted so he can hear me.

"yes you can. trust me." he whispered in my ear.

it tickles .. and i giggled. 

"never trust you !" i shouted.



"this is your vodka speaking." he held my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. 

as if i'm weightless. as if he knew i wanted to go there with him. as if he knew. everything.

"this is Naina speaking. you know i'm not drunk."

"that was a rather mild drink, not even a rat gets drunk on that. dont worry"

"i told you i cant dance" watching my clumsy steps i told him.

"trust me you can"

"ironical. those words come from vodka usually"

"i know right."

and then i felt my cell phone vibrating.

it said Samar.

"HELLO??" i called out from  a corner, shouting.


"WHAAT? HOW DO YOU KNOW SAMAR?" i was confused.




and i hung up to check for any trace of Samar but then i finally found him.

"you stay with your friends Kv, i'll be right there in few minutes"

"why? whose here?"

"there see. Samar."

"is that the guy you like?" very casually he slipped through.

" yes." 

i lied.

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