39: make a wish you didnt mean

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next to next morning after the surgery everyone in the family maybe assumed that i was okay thatswhy they were shouting while i was on sedatives, trying to rest.. well not that serious but yeah they were quite distracting,

"i told her before not to play with these guys.look how bad she's hurt." my grandmother whined.

"last year too , she met with an accident, because of that guy Robin or whatever , and today too, its Robin.. what does that guy wants.." now my mom whined.. 

dad was standing there standing quietly while these two ladies talked talked and talked.. 

my mom freaks out everytime when something happens to me because in 10th grade just before the final board exams i met with an horrible accident and injured my spine really bad. was in the hospital for 10 days and everything was so impossible, since then.

"emm mom??"

"no, you have literally no saying in this Naina.. look at you're leg now... i dont know what is wrong with this girl. and Naina why is you're phone switched off.. akira and karaveer called atleast 10 times on my phone.. so finally today i called them back and told them you're at the hospital"


"what ? Karanveer and Akira called. and few others too but they called way too much to remember so you should definitely call them back,"

"ohh mom forget it gimme my phone.."

well i asked for my phone but couldnt call anyone since my mom dad and others were standing on my head, so i left this thing for later..


next day when i got discharged from the hospital and for god's sake people left me alone first thing i did was call him..

*ring ring* and he didnt give the ring to ring again and he picked up, haha, sorry .. 

me: emm hi KV

him: *sigh* oh god..

me: i'm sorry i couldnt call earlier, some family crisis..

him: how are you Naina..?

me: i'm good.. better actually .. how are you ?

him: me?? to be honest i'm totally shitting right now, i'm so freaked every second you didnt call, but thats okay.

me: well i didnt break my leg so you can chill .. no need to be so scared. i'm okay.

him: you fucking broke 3 tendons, got a dozen stitches on you're both fucking legs, you're right patella is totally screwed idk not what and you're saying its okay?? you're okay. oh god Naina.. when are you going to learn the intensity of a situation?

me: wow. my mom told you all this?? 

him: no i talked to the doctor. he happen to be a friend of my dad so ..

me: KV, please dont worry i'm okay.. you know i will be okay.

him: and you know i'll believe only when i'll see you..

me: what is this now

him: i'm coming tomorrow to see you so--

me: i knew you'd do something stupid.. why are you like this.. ughhh please dont. please please please..

him: its too late Naina, you should have thought this before injuring yourself..

me: you dont understand. you will not understand.. its so easy for you to say this.. ugh forget it.. bye..


the whole day i was so scared, what will mom dad think on seeing KV here tomorrow. they'll be like why has he come when most of the friends didnt.. what is so special that he flew from jaipur to jabalpur.. i can see our future together getting destroyed. 

but that was all i wanted right.. so why getting cranky now.. 

such a hypocrite  naina.. 

--Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora