37: how long does happiness last?

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"so .. " 


so this was the only thing we said at the station when he came to see me off.. partly because my dad was also there and partly because we had nothing to say.

we could also have said awkward byes but no i said my goodbye by waving feebly. and he did the same. just his wave was sexier. obviously.

i had the most amazing time of my life in these 6 days. i will never forget this week.every hug, every smile, every late night conversation..

reaching home i made sure not to tell anyone about my little adventure and that i was in some unsaid relationship that obviously i wont label but thats okay, i can call him a boyfriend when no one's around ! 

so heyyyyyyyyyy i've got  a  boyfriend !!!

did you hear that?

i     h a v e     a     b o y f r i e n d   !!! 

yeah so  i'll stop now. 

next month i have my finals and with the gracious help of the almighty (karanveer khatri obviously) i passed physics with flying colors and my parents were really happy about the fact that their daughter ha suddenly gotten smart.

that month i literally worked my ass off and studied for the entrances that were to happen next year. i solved physics  like a maniac obviously with KV's help.. i never felt this positive in my entire life. my productivity graph was such an up up and up..

"Naina, you know the party theme is all blue so you have to dress up accordingly?" shrey handed me the  flyer.

"i'm sorry shrey i'm not coming.."and i returned it.

"what? Naina! you never come to any of the parties. be it a group party or anything. and you know the whole batch is going to be there!" he sounded so excited.

"and and and Naina, you've passed 11th grade so nicely! you're a senior now !! i mean come on Naina! its a celebration.." Sushi added.

"i know guys i'm really sorry for that but please try to understand."

"why, whats the reason you're not coming? tell us?" Vish folded her hands like she's about to murder me..

"my mom wont permit guys.. its no bog deal. you all are going right? so enjoy dont overthink"

"yeaah bullshit.. you're mom allows you to travel Jaipur and Delhi all by yourself but she wont let you attend a party which is literally 15 minutes away from you're home." woaah since when Akira started making an excellent point?

"okay okay guys i'll try my best to convince her." 

and everyone dispersed except akira.

"akki, you too ??" i looked at her with the puppiest eyes i could make.

"yes Naina. mee too. actually i'm the angriest here. dont ask why or i'll kill you.. Naina you cant avoid parties and get togethers like this. not for anyone, only for me atleast. Naina its like i never have my best friend at any party, i so want to take you to parties where we wear really pretty dresses and stand in the corner judging other bitches? it should be so fun, right now i just stay with others who doesnt even notice if i'm there or not.." 

oh my poor Akki.. i feel so awful now.. i'm such a terrible friend..

"i'm really sorry akki.. i'm really really sorry."

"will you promise to come to the next party ? if not this one? "

"Akki? so you're saying i can bail on this one??? what?" 

"of course you can.. there might be a reason why you arent going naina. i wouldnt be a brat and force you to come to a place full of fake people."

"akki i love you so much..."

"but do you promise  to take me shopping and be patient while i try out every outfit today?? and and will you come to the next party with me no matter what happens?? "

"yes i promise !! promise promise promise! where are we going to shop for youre dress??"

"oh we're not going alone btw, the girls will be coming with us so, you have to help everyone!!"

"no problem no problem..lets go after school"

so it took 2 long hours for 3 people to select their dresses, and still 2 were left.. why do girls take centuries to find clothes and millenniums to dress up?

well i had a veto so i chose we eat first and at my favorite place.. the day was going so well.. i was having a great time with my friends, , i was a senior, my mom dad were happy with me, and i was in love, i dont have anything to worry about !! what could go wrong !


until now !!

on our way to another store we saw this couple from school.

"heyy guys look look Palak is dating Deep? oh god" Vish grinned.

"good for him you know, good for him.." somebody said.

"atleast he can pass now.." somebody else said.

and they had a terrible little laugh..

"hey guys, 9'o' clock, that couple.." Aditi whispered.

"oh my god!!" mini laughed.

"and that my friends is called a total catastrophe!!" Vish laughed, followed by others.

i knew what was wrong but i still wanted to confirm.

"emm why guys? whats wrong?" i hesitated.

"Naive Naina! cant you see the guy is a perfect 10 and that girl? cant even make it to a good 5 !!" Aditi eyerolled.

"idk what the guy saw in her.." somebody said.

"there are other things too! looks arent everything please!! the girl may be really smart or really kind or funny??" i tried to explain, i might cry now but.

"Naina, there are lots of girls out there, lots of pretty girls out there who are smart, kind and funny so however nice the girl may be, she shouldnt be this ugly, i mean look at the guy, we all think he could actually use some eyesight!!" Sushi explained sipping her drink.

"but-but--" i tried.

" thats okay naina, you dont need to cover for that girl. ..we're over it"

they can be over it but i would never be..

thats what the world actually thinks? they dont think how cool slash nice slash intelligent slash kind a person is. all they care about is how pretty they are..

wow.. this world is awesome..

and now all i could think of was how i made me and KV a terrible looking couple..

i dont deserve him. he's way too good for me.. 

and i have to do something about that..

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