The Gang Formerly Known As Bowers

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**Trigger warning!! Lots of homophobic slurs and sexual assault**

Richie never understood the offensive aspect of the term 'queer'. Apart from the obvious,that would be the dredges of the Bowers gang trying to insult Bill and Stan. Occasionally they'd give him a lesson in communicable diseases, saying Rich could contract the queerness too, if he wasn't careful. But still the word itself meant odd. Between his psychotic mother and inability to curb his verbal diarrhea he was pretty sure he was pretty odd. More so than Bill or Stan.
All this ran through his head as they were circled by Pete, Moose Gard and two new equally pissy looking meatheads. The boys had left the losers alone, mainly because Henry,their leader, was in the Asylum a town over for the murder of his father and some of the kids who went missing in Derry that hazy summer that still haunted the group. Rich guessed the losers had become too brave though,what with Stan leading Bill by the hand to all his classes and Eddie's new hair.
They'd been walking home from school. Rich, Eddie, Stan, Bev and Bill. About a year ago they'd ditched their bikes. Even though they were more efficient Stan had called them lame and if he wasn't riding neither was Bill and the whole system sort of collapsed. But now as two more mouth breathers had been initiated into the gang formerly known as Bowers it seemed the bikes would've been their best shot of getting out of this unscathed.
"I'll say it one more time, what makes you think everybody wants to see that faggot shit in our school?"
Rich could see Bill begin to shake, Adam's apple bobbing probably controlling tears. His jaw set at the sight of his friend so scared. Why did Mike have to be homeschooled? Why was Ben out sick? He sighed before trying to puff out his chest ready to live up to his fucking nickname.
"What's the matter Pete? Afraid you'll be too turned on to keep up your D average?"
The words had barely left his lips before a bone cracking punch hit the side of his head. Richie could've sworn he was dead as he hit the dirt.
That's when all hell broke loose. Stan and Bill charged at two of the goons. Eddie started to scream tackling Pete who very easily pinned him to the ground. Rich tried to sit up and grab him terrified of what Pete was capable of but his brain started to pulse at his sudden jerk and there was either blood or dirt in his eye.
"Whose this freak,"Pete asked rhetorically his hands glued to the others boys wrists, knee between his legs and nose inches from his face, "Little Emily Kaspbrak? Where'd your hair go? Don't you know you've got a pussy?"
"Leave me the fuck alone, dick face. Go blow your bloated carcass of a girlfriend!"
Eddie instantly regretted this for two reasons. One, Marcia was actually really nice despite her acne and taste in men and two, Pete was really pissed now.
Pete's grip tightened on the boy, nails digging deep in his flesh. His eyes narrowed as he let one hand free, fairly confident the kid wouldn't move. Richie had managed to drag himself back upward while everyone else was beating the shit out of each other. He looked at Bev who had been trying to peel Gard off of Stan but stopped as everyone else did at the scene unfolding.
"Ya know, you were actually kinda pretty with hair? Nice face, decent rack," as he spoke Pete's free hand found its way to Eddie's chest, sloppily cupping him. The smaller boy let out a yelp at the same time Rich screamed his friends name and attacked the bully. They both landed on the ground inches away from Eddie.
"Eddie? What kind of freak shit are you into?"
Richie ignored the searing pain radiating down his spine focusing on straddling the much stronger boy. He wasn't sure if it was rage or just the fact he caught the asshole off guard but he managed to keep him where he wanted him. His fists hit every available piece of Pete he could find, letting out occasional grunts to push away the sting in his hands. In what only seemed like seconds he felt a presence pull him away.
"Get the fuck off me!" He screamed repeating several variations of the sentiment until he looked up to see Eddie's angelic tear stained face. He stopped, trying hard not to breakdown and cry. When he tore his eyes from the other boy he saw Bev hunched over Pete whispering something to him with a small pocket knife inches from his cheek. She must still carry around the one that would defend her from her father when they were younger.
Everyone dispersed shortly after the mouth breathers ran off leaving just Richie and Eddie. No one mentioned the whole Emily/Eddie thing even though Eddie could tell Ben and Stan were lost.
The two boys walked to the barrens not really knowing where else to go. Eddie had to calm down before he went home as his Mother was already egging him on after the haircut. His emotions were to high for him not to lash out.
>What on earth did you do to your hair princess? You look like a boy!<
When Eddie began to cry his Mother assumed it was because of what she could only imagine was a botched haircut. In reality, crying was better than screaming at her.
>It'll grow back, baby. I told you not to spend too much time with that Beverly. She's a bad influence, convincing you that this was a good idea..<
"It'll grow back."
Eddie mumbled as he dapped the wound above Richie's eye with an alcohol pad. Everyone always made fun of the small first aid kit that lived in his fanny pack but who's laughing now?
"What're you talking about, Eds? My skin?"
The taller boy asked around his third cigarette since the fight. Nicotine and adrenaline were a nice combination. Really he was no worse for wear. The gash on his head was deep thanks to Pete's stupid pinky ring (douche) and his knuckles were bruised and red but that was the extent of it. Pain never really bothered him, but it was nice to have someone worry about his well being. He looked through his lashes at the boy who shook away the question. He had that same look of concern he wore anytime Richie would talk about his nightmares.
"Thanks, by the way."
"Don't mention it , Eddie Spaghetti," the smaller boy scoffed at the pet name, "I wish you woulda let me break something though. Teach him not to fondle other dudes. Fuckin fag."
Eddie pressed a bandage to his head a little harder than needed.
"Don't do that."
"Say homophobic shit like that. There's nothing wrong with being gay."
Eddie quickly packed all his supplies in his pack and started to walk away.
" Eds I didn't mean it like that."
He called as he ran after the boy.
"Whatever Trashmouth. I'll see you around."
Even though he felt the guilt rising in his chest Richie felt a smile on his cheeks. Eddie took that to heart, maybe he did have a chance.

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