Oui, Nous. Yes, We.

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Beverly sat at her Aunts kitchen table trying to get the image of Eddie coughing up undigested pills out from the back of her eyes. Aunt Marie had been late coming home again, so it was just her, the cat Smokey and some left over lasagna. She'd heated it up but found the mix of bright red sauce and dried out cheese to be too reminiscent of fresh human remains. Smokey had dared to creep near the plate. She pushed it towards him deciding it was better not to let it go to waste.
Feeling like a stranger in her own home wasn't foreign to Beverly Marsh. She'd felt like a prisoner at her Fathers. Still she longed for a home that felt like home.
The phone had been ringing for a few minutes before Bev registered it. It must've been important because as much as she wanted to ignore it the damn thing wouldn't stop. She pushed herself off the table, face growing red with agitation.
"Hello?" She huffed.
"Bev," The voice on the other line was unmistakably Eddie's. His voice had a slight shake to it making Bev's stomach flip, "Bev, I don't have too much time, but I wanted to talk."
"Eddie, what are you talking about. Are you still with Richie?"
Mrs. Tozier has taken the news of her son being involved with Eddie well. When Bev spilled the beans she seemed calm. She hoped she hadn't misread the situation and gotten anyone in trouble.
"I'm with Richie. I'm ok, everything's gonna be ok," Bev felt her heart resume it's regular beat as her shoulders loosened, "but I've got to get out of town for now. Richie and I are leaving tonight."
"What?" She practically shouted causing Smokey to jump off the table and bound to his nearest hiding spot.
"What do you mean? Where?"
"I.. We're going to Kennebunk. Richie's family has a cabin there. I don't know what's gonna happen after that, but my Mom is looking for me. I wanted to say goodbye, just in case I'm gone for a while."
As if on some sick humored cue there was a loud pounding of the front door. Beverly knew who'd be on the other side. She could sense the change in the air.
"Eddie, don't move. Your Mother is here. I'm gonna sneak out the back."
As quickly as she could Beverly shoved her things in her ancient Jansport backpack. It was mostly clothes, some journals, cigarettes and all the money she'd ever saved. The pounding on the door had stopped only furthering Bev's fear as she left out the back door.
Eddie thought about calling the other Losers, but thought better of it. He'd practically had to get on his knees to get Rich to agree to calling Bev.
"We're supposed to just disappear Eds. The less people know the better"
It felt weird regarding the Losers as just people. These are the kids he'd set aside his germaphobia for participating in a blood oath. Though in retrospect, he'd only gotten Richie's blood on his hand. He didn't really object to any of his Trashmouth's bodily fluids.
Things were moving quickly for the boys. Both running around not fully equipped for leaving home.
Mrs. Tozier's speech had left her drained. She'd taken her sleeping pills and was currently nodding out on the sofa. Eddie rushed to the phone and Richie said something about a suitcase. He'd have no belongings of his own on their trip, but only was certain he'd miss his fathers flannel. And maybe the picture of the Losers that stood on his desk.
He made his way quietly to Richie's room. Taking in the crooked pictures that lined the stairway, realizing but not fully willing to admit this would be the last time he'd see baby pictures of the boy he so hopelessly loved.
He started to gather things they would need when he came across the half sprawled notes on Richie's nightstand. The pile on the stand at first glance looked like the rest of the trash. Empty cigarette packs, candy wrappers, unfinished homework. But these were different. They were addressed to him.
I really fucked up. I'm endlessly sorry-

"Eddie Spaghetti,
Could you ever forgive m

I don't want to be without you, but I don't want to keep hurting you. Sorry to be such an dick. Really sorry to be such a sap. I feel like I've ruined everything

He found a few more notes. All sincere but messily thrown together. There were even little hearts around his name on one. Eddie wanted to keep them, but understood they weren't meant for his eyes. Just like his letter wasn't meant for anyone.
As far as Richie could tell he'd packed everything the two would need. It was hard to say, seeing as he wasn't sure how long they'd be gone. As he looked at the suitcase he'd taken from his fathers closet it was essentially a pile of flannel shirts, in all different shades of black, crimson, ivy and grey.
If they never came back to Derry, Richie always thought he'd would be ok with that. This town was smothering him. Especially when it came to him and Eds. They couldn't be honest with themselves here and he knew it was toxic.
Yet, he felt shitty at the thought of leaving. He thought back to the words Bev had said when the Losers were arguing on if they should attack Pennywise or leave it to the town in the next twenty seven years. Ben was being a pussy just like the rest of the guys, including him. Bev was the only one standing firm in her beliefs.
"I want to run towards something. Not away."
Thats what they were doing now wasn't it? Running away from Eddie's Mom and all that hatred that the people of Derry fed on? Beverly was shoved on the floor to get into the bathroom to expose he and Eddie. Did anyone have a meeting about that? Did Pete get suspended for pinning Eddie down and assaulting him? Did they even listen to Eddie's side of the story after the binding incident? No, everything was swept under the rug. Just like every other fucked up  thing in this shit infested town.Richie toyed with the idea of swinging by Pete's house to beat the douche out of him before leaving.
"Richie, why are you shaking?"
He hadn't even noticed until Eddie came beside him and held him steady again.
Eddie came close, hesitantly wrapping his arms around the other boy. He was going to rest his head on his chest seeing as Richie towered over him, but didn't have the chance. Richie was still now, a smile pressed to his cheeks as he leaned in, pressing his forehead against Eddie's.
Just his presence seemed to wash a peacefulness over Richie.
"I love you."
The words just sort of spilled out leaking a pink blush across both of their faces. Richie didn't know if it was the best time to say it. It probably wasn't. But he couldn't help himself. Slowly, as not to startle him, Rich dipped down and brushed his lips against Eddie's, cupping one hand on his cheek and resting the other on the back of his neck. Eddie tried to hold back whimper as he felt the heat from his lips spread through his whole body. They'd kissed before, but this felt different. Sweet and not so hurried.
When they finally broke, Eddie looked up with hooded lids.
"I..I love you too."
Richie stroked Eddie's cheek still close enough to feel the breath from his lips.
"Glad we got that settled."
Bev burst through the door before the boys could detach themselves from each other.
"Seriously? Are you guys ever not attached at the lips?"
"You know, knocking is a thing."
Rich said as Eddie left him to tackle his friend.
"You guys scared the shit out of me! What's going on?"
Beverly embraced Eddie, forgetting how small and fragile he was. she stroked his hair as she looked to Richie.
"Things sort of got out of hand after you left," Rich began, his lips squishing into his teeth as he tried to relay everything, "Eddie's Mom, well, she's not gonna let up. She came here freaking out on my Mom and it's only a matter of time till the cops get involved," his voice began to crack as the high of Eddie's lips wore off. The reality of their situation digging a home into his bones, " So we're skipping town."
"Where are we going?"
Bev asked trying to ignore the mild annoyance that passed by Richie's magnified eyes.

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