Suddenly Ash's egg began to glow. "It's going to hatch" said Tomo. Ash took the glass lid off the incubator, and everyone watched as the egg continued to glow. Then the egg hatched into a small white and green pokemon, with two red horns on its head. "That's a Ralts, a psychic type pokemon" said Max.

May looked at Ralts on her pokedex: Ralts, the feeling pokemon. It uses the horns on its head to sense human emotions. It is said to appear in front of cheerful people.

Ash picked up Ralts. "Hi Ralts," he said "I'm your trainer". Ralts sensed Ash's joyful emotions and hugged him. "You have quite a way with baby pokemon Ash" smiled Caroline. "Well to tell you the truth, I'm a poke-parent of some of my pokemon back home, as well as being my Latios' adopted dad" said Ash. Norman could tell right away that Ash was a good kid.

Suddenly a crash came through the wall. It was Team Rocket; Jessie, James and Meowth had arrived in the Hoenn region. "Oh great, it's you three again" said Ash. He explained to Norman and his family that Team Rocket was a gang of crooks who stole pokemon from people. Norman took out a pokeball from his pocket. "You three won't be taking any of my pokemon anywhere" he said, and he released a white, brown and red pokemon, that looked like a big sloth, from the pokeball.

Ash looked at the pokemon on the pokedex: Vigoroth, the wild monkey pokemon. It can't keep still because its blood boils with energy. It runs through the fields and mountains all day to calm itself. If it doesn't, it can't sleep at night.

Jessie and James sent out Arbok and Weezing to battle. "Vigoroth use scratch on that Weezing" said Norman. Vigoroth scratched Weezing good. Ash saw that Vigoroth was indeed very strong. Ash ordered Pikachu to attack Arbok with thunderbolt, and Pikachu shocked Arbok well. Jessie and James were about to send out another pokemon, but Pikachu blasted Team Rocket away with thunderbolt.

Later that day, Ash, Tomo and May got ready to leave. Norman told Ash that he could get his first gym badge from Rustboro City, so Rustboro City was the first destination. Norman also gave Ash a grey gym badge case to store his badges. Then Max turned up and announced that he was going to join Ash, Tomo and May on the journey too. "As Max wishes to become a pokemon trainer and to take over my gym one day, we decided to let him join you," said Norman "that way he will learn more things from real life experience, rather from text books". Ash and Tomo understood and accepted Max to join the group. Max had his Zigzagoon and Linoone on him in their pokeballs; they were really his pokemon. Norman also gave Max a pokenav of his own. "You take care of yourselves May and Max," said Caroline "and enjoy your journey". "We will" replied Max and May.

Ash, Tomo, May and Max said goodbye to Norman and Caroline and left Petalburg City for Rustboro City. Now the journey for Ash and Tomo and their new friends, May and Max, had truly begun now.

Ash and the gang had come to a forest called Petalburg City. Max was hoping to see lots of pokemon right away, but so far the gang hadn't seen any pokemon yet. "Be patient Max," said Ash "pokemon will turn up soon. I've been in lots of forests before, and pokemon always turn up when you least expect it". May was getting hungry and asked if they could stop for lunch. "Yes we can," said Ash "have you still got the cans of pokemon food I asked you to pack May?" "Yes I do" said May, and she took out some cans of pokemon food from her ruck sack. "That's good," said Ash "and Tomo and I brought some food from a store back in Petalburg City". The brothers took out sandwiches, rice balls and some little cakes out from their ruck sacks". "We have some other food too, but we'll save it for dinner" said Tomo. "You two certainly how to organise things" said Max. "One thing about being on a journey is that you must always be prepared," said Ash "and that's why every time we visit a town, we all must always buy food and medicine okay?" May and Max understood.

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