Chapter 7: V I C T O R I A

Start from the beginning

"Hi," I greeted smirking at the Bucks practically gaped at the sight of me. "This isn't too much, is it?" I asked.

Before the Bucks could say a word, Kenny slapped his hands on both of their mouths.

"You look fine—beautiful, I mean." He wore a sheepish smile as the blush somehow grew from his cheeks.

I smiled turning my gaze towards Marty still pouting at me for not wearing the bloody sweater he wanted. Then trailed towards the siblings in between Kenny. Their mouths still covered by the man's strong hands.

"You can let go of them, you know." I pointed out.

Kenny simply dropped his hands, blushing still. I smiled towards the Bucks as they seem lost for words now. I've noticed both of them still sporting the black eye I gave. Guilt somehow washing over me as I handed both of them salves to ease away the bruising.

"Sorry about that, Love."

"It's nothing." Nick assured turning towards his sibling wagging his brows knowingly before eyes returned to me. "So what are you two doing for the night?"

"British feast fit for a Queen." Kenny answered for me, a wink sent to me before turning towards his friends. "It's for two people only, so I better not see you three anywhere near the area or I swear to God some nude picture would be leak."

I snorted being reminded of the DM's he released a few months back. Marty even having the balls to send it on my phone while I was in an interview. I swore I almost wanted to fly all the way to Japan just to slap him in the back for it.

I smirked instead of voicing my own thoughts, pushed all three men out of my apartment before me and Kenny followed along. I had made sure the window was sealed and I locked the door before all five of us went our separate ways...for now.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I couldn't help but ask as we continued walking the streets with me still unclear of where we were going.

"We're eating in the Aldgate British Pub." He announced with jazz hands making me giggle. "But we're going to Bunkamura Museum first to start our appetite." He added as he took hold of my hand.

"Fish and Chip and some beer?" I moaned just at the idea but what got my attention was the Museum. I've known it from my Harry, and it will certainly not start anyone's appetite. "You sure about the Museum?" I asked hoping he didn't have tickets yet.

"Of course—" he looked breathless. "Marty actually suggested it."

I slapped my forehead. Of all the men in the world to believe, Kenny just had to believe my best friend. Genuinely, I wanted to just stroll around the area.

"We can just...walk around. I don't want you to put so much effort tonight." I pointed out with an assuring smile.

"There is something horrible about the museum?" he asked and I couldn't help but nod. "I'm gonna kill Marty."

"Get in line, I'm killing him first." I said dryly reminding myself never to trust Marty in situations like this ever again.

"Let's skip the museum and let's kill him instead, what do you say?"

I smirked, tempted to actually accept the offer.

"I really don't want to ruin my appetite. Raincheck?" I offered grinned when he shook my hand in agreement.

We continued on with our walk. I've learned something new about Kenny Omega. Something Wikipedia doesn't know about. How he was the older of two sibling, has a little sister back in Winnipeg with her own family and two adorable nephews. I've learn he never really was popular back in school, being bullied because of his name and his adorable curly hair. It didn't help him in the matter when he started becoming a wrestler. All the hate grew. I've learn aside from the bullying, he was a private one. He had his own group of friends, not many, but he holds so dear in his heart. The Bucks, and Kota Ibushi. With those three, he could truly be himself. He loved his video games, that part didn't take long for me to know. It screamed him, from his name to his move set, everything was about video games. It reminded me so much of my brother, Harry. He may not admit it to our Dad, but he loved video games, and would take any opportunity he could get to play.

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