Chapter 7

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Third person p.o.v

"Okay Dr Loboto is using some device to disc" Raz told everyone.

Coraline nodded "is there a way we can disable the device?"

Lili shuggde "not sure but there should be"

That's when Wybie got a idea "maybe I can be able to?"

"Are you sure Wybie" Lili asked.

"Yeah this technology-" Raz was cutt off when a kid bump into him.

They are in the middle of the hallway in school talking about there plan to capture Dr Loboto.

Raz sighed "but anyway are you positive"


"Then why would-"

"But I can try" Wybie added cutting him off.

Raz looked at Lili and they both shuggde "okay let's hurry up before that kid over there throw up"

"Wait what?" Coraline asked.

Lili and Raz quickly move away as the kid throw up on Coraline shoes.

Meanwhile Noramn is planning to ask Dipper for a sleepover at he's house.

But he is scread of he's Dad and ever since he lefted he knew he was going to the punshiment room, but he has to give it a try.

Then out of nowhere there was a big bang on he's locker "oh sorry Norman old habits" it was Alvin.

Norman sighed "it's okay but what do you want Alvin?"

"Okay I have recently got a girlfriend-"

"Really?" Noramn asked raising a eyebrow.

He can't believe Alvin got a girlfriend because it's Alvin.

Alvin roll he's eye's "what are you trying to say ghost-"

"Alvin you came to me for advice so-"

"Okay okay I'm sorry like I said old habits, but anyway we got into a fight so I wonder if you have some advice"

Norman thought about it for a second thinking about if it was him and Dipper.

"Why is your face red?"

"No reason" Noramn said quickly.

Alvin shuggde "so any ideas"

"Just give her some time and-"

"Say sorry?"

Noramn shake he's head no "girls don't like to be apologize to things cause it's mean they do something"

Alvin raised a eyebrow "what?"

Norman sighed "if you apologize to her it seems like she did something wrong"

"I still don't get it"

"Oh my God just-" Noramn took a deep breath.

"Just give her some time"

"Thanks Norman" Alvin was going to leave until Norman tap on he's shoulder.


Norman sighed "if you wanted to ask a guy over to your house for a sleepover how will you do it?"

"Oh I would just say 'yo dude you want to come over?' and he would say 'fuck yeah my boy' and we bro high five each other"

Norman was quite for a second before saying "o-okay thanks Alvin"

Alvin nodded walking away.

So just say that and Dipper will say yes...seems easy.

The bell rong and it was time for lunch.

Norman quickly sat down where he see everyone.

He went to Dipper and clear he's voice.

"Yo dude you want to come over?"

Dipper raised a eyebrow "what?"

"You c-coming over?"


"T-to my house"


"F-for a sleepover"

Neil gasped "we are having a sleepover?"

"Wait n-"

"At my house were having a sleepover"

Everybody cheer really excited for the sleepover at Neil house.

Norman groaned rolling he's eye's looking away.

"Norman me and you can have own private sleepover" Dipper said.

Norman nodded "c-cool" he mumbled blushing slightly.

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