Chapter 12

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Third person p.o.v

"We got you Loboto" Raz shotued as he single Lili to get ready.

"Oh my God Raz that's a kid"

Raz sighed "what happens if we can't find that son of a bitch?"

Lili thought about it for a second but just shuggde "then it's okay if we get pull off this case"

Raz didn't say anything but just walked away makeing Lili sighed sadly.


Norman walked up to a ghost as he show a picture of Dr Loboto.

"Excuse me have you seen this person?"

The ghost nodded "yeah I have seen him going in the woods"

"Thank you"

Norman pull out he's phone texting everybody to meet him in the woods lest of a hour.

He walked the direction of what the ghost pointed at and did see Loboto working on something big.

That's when Norman phone starts ringing "damn" he said turing to off.

Loboto smiled as he walks away and quitely walked up to Norman.

"Are you looking for someone?" he smrik.

"Oh y-yeah and it's...this" he said kicking Loboto in the private part.

That's when everybody came ready for action.

Raz gasped "Loboto you son of a bitch your arrest" he said handcuffing Loboto.

Dipper raised a eyebrow "that was easy"

"Yeah" Coraline said agreeing with him this time.

Then Loboto disappear and grab Lili from the back.

"Oh hell no" Coraline said jump in the air kicking him in the air.

Loboto was trying get up but Lili stepped on he's back almost breaking it.

"Let's beat this clown like-"

"We get it Wybie let's do it"

Everybody start beating up Loboto well mostly Coraline Lili.

And Raz cuffed him at the end "thanks Norman"

Norman smiled "we promise you guys we will get him and we did"

"But still it seems to easy" Dipper said.

"Dipper it's fine we got Loboto and that's it" Norman said holding Dipper hand.

Dipper didn't want to nodded but did it anyway.

"We should have a group name" Mabel suddenly said.

"I agree with that" Neil high five her.

"We should be called the h-"

"Wybie no" Coraline said knowing what he is going to say.

"How about the...mystey kids that's a cool name" Neil said.

"Alright then we are the mystery kids the protection of the paranormal" Dipper said proudly

"And the world" Raz added.

"Well mystery kids let's celebrate" Mabel said.

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