Chapter 20

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Third person p.o.v

"I can't believe it" Raz said turning he's hands into fists.

Coraline raised a eyebrow "what's up with him?"

"Loboto escape and we need to go find him again" Lili said rolling her eyes.

"All we know that is back in town" Raz said.

"I told you guys it feels easy when we first catch the him" Dipper said crossing he's arms.

Mabel groaned "we get it you was right and we are wrong"

"We can try the device that Wybie made" Coraline mentioned.

"We can or" Dipper said taking out a note pad and pen "or we can have a more specific plan"

Norman smiled "I like it but don't forget we have drama class and Wybie and Neil is all ready there so let's go"

Dipper pout like a puppy dog "oh come on let me just explain-"

"Dipper" Norman said in a warning tone.

"Fine...I do it" Dipper said while frowning as Norman kiss he's cheek.

They walked to Mrs.Henscher class at the gym seeing Wybie and Neil already as they seat down on the stage.

Mrs.Henscher clear her thoat "we are starting a new play that shall be out standing to the God's not like last year...Norman"

When Mrs.Henscher mentioned Norman names that made him blush slightly.

"S-sorry Mrs.Henscher" he said quitely.

"Psst Neil" Dipper whisped taping on he's shoulder "what happened last year?"

"The dead was coming"

Dipper was going to say something else but Mrs.Henscher cutt him off "and I need two of you guys will help alnog with project"

Pretty much everyone raised there hands as Coraline try to block there and so was Lili.

"Mabel" Mrs.Henscher said as everyone groaned.

"Well Mrs.Henscher is for a ride of a long time" Dipper said while sighing.

Wybie raised he's hand.

"Yes Wybie?"

"I-I thought you wanted 2?" Wybie asked playing with he's hands.

"I do and he's own he's way to come if he doesn't get lost"

That's when the gym door opening revealing Writ.

He sighed "finally" he groaned walking to Mrs.Henscher.

"Everybody I want you to meet Writ he will help us during this project"

"Are you kidding me!" Norman accidentally said out loud

Everybody looked at Norman confused.

Mrs.Hecsher raised a eyebrow "problem Norman?"

Yes it is definitely Norman thought before sighing shaking he's head no "no Mrs.Hecsher"

" let's read the script now"

Mrs.Hecsher gave the scripts to Writ to pass out.

When Writ pass Dipper he's script he smiled but once Writ gave Norman he's script he's smile quickly fad away.

"Fucker" Norman mumbled.

Dipper raised a eyebrow "what you say Norman?"

Norman blush "oh nothing" he quickly.

"Before we start if any of guy's want to use the bathroom go ahead"

Norman hoped off the stage walking to the boys bathroom.

Once finish Norman is watching he's hands and see Writ giving him a dirty look.

Norman quickly walked away as Writ went in front of him.

"Can you please move" Norman said quitely.

"Oh can you please get away from Dipper?"


"You heard me you goth ass stay away from Dipper" Writ snap pointing at Norman.

Oh hell no Norman thought greeting anger.

"That's going to be hard considering I'm he's boyfriend you douche" he said louder


"So bye Felicia" Norman said trying to pass him but Writ won't pass.

"Don't 'bye Felicia' me you goth me being in the play will bring us closer together and Dipper would leave your goth ass to be with me"


"So I bye Felicia you bitch" Writ said walking back to the gym.

Anger start glowing into Norman as he hands start turing into fists.

Then out of nowhere the mirrors broke as green spraks came.

The door open to reveal a worry Dipper "you okay Norman Writ said you was throwing up?"

"What no I'm" Norman took a deep breath as he clam down "I'm okay"

"Are you sure?"

Norman nodded.

"Oh shoot you bleeding again" Dipper said giving Norman tissues.

They walked back to the gym to see Writ smiling and giving Norman a evil smrik.

One thought came in Norman head.

Oh I'm going to get that mother fucker.

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