Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

He still looked like he didn’t believe I needed,”Really?”

I laughed at him and said,”Yes Haz!  I will do anything for you.”

“Do you realize how much I love you?”, he said pulling me close and holding my hips.

Instead of responding I just winked at him and pulled him in for a long tender kiss.

When we pulled away I said nerves picking up in my stomach again,”We only have two days to tell them?  When should we do it?”

Harry I don’t think had realized this because he started to chew on his plump lips obviously thinking hard,”Well I think my mum is going to be home late tomorrow and this is the only night she is going to be home on time.  In a few hours actually. . “

I cocked an eyebrow at him trying to see if I was understanding what he was suggesting by this,”Do you mean that you think you should tell her tonight?  Like tonight as in in a couple of hours, tonight!?”

He questioned hesitantly,”Yeah?”

I was about to answer when I heard the front door open downstairs making both me and Harry jump and pulling away from each other.  I let out a breath I was holding when I heard Gemma’s voice shut up,”Boys, I’m back and if you are doing anything dirty up there you better be quiet and hurry up cause mum texted me saying she will be home early tonight!”

I look back at Harry and decide to answer him,”I guess it is now or never right?”

He smiled nervously,”I guess.”

“Do you think we should go tell Gemma?  She might be able to help you know?”, I said hoping he wodul say yes, because I knew Having gemma on our side would help calm my growing nerves.

“Yeah I think she might help us figure out a game plan.  Lets go tell her.”, He took my hand starting to lead me out of the room.

When we got downstairs we found he in the kitchen looking in the fridge for something before realizing she wasn’t alone,”Oh!  Hey lovebirds, what’s going on?”

Harry was first to speak and said rather bluntly,”I want to tell mum about Louis tonight.”

Gemma moved from her casual position of leaning against the counter to looking a bit shocked at the two of us,”Oh!  Really?  Why so suddenly?”

Harry then explained that I was going to be leaving soon, about Shannon, and Doncaster not leaving anything out.  After he had finished Gemma looked like she was thinking deeply about something before her expression changed and she said enthusiastically,”I know how you should go about telling her!”

“Really? How?”, Harry and and I said together before looking at each other and giggling a bit.

“Oi, do you two want to know or do you want to continue your little giggle fest?”, she said crossing her arms and smirking at us playfully.

“Go on.” Haz said amused by her words.

She smiled and told us her master plan,”Well Mum will be home at about 5:30, and I was thinking that maybe we could tell mum we are inviting Louis to dinner with us.  Harry you could make the meal, because you know how much she loves your cooking.  During the dinner she will be all happy fromt eh food and You and I could tell her nonchalantly how great Louis is and what he is like.  Then after you have buttered he up with that you could casually bring up that you are dating someone.  Then when she asks who you tell her it is Louis.”

Harry looks to me to see my reaction and I shrug saying,”I don’t have any better ideas?  What do you think Hazza?”

“I think it might work as long as I don’t burn anything.”, Haz says looking more confident.

Gemma clasps her hands together and says,”Then it is settled!  Louis we are having you over for dinner!  I will text mum now to let her know and ‘Hazza’ will be cooking the meal.”  She makes air quotes when she says Hazza teasingly.

Harry just rolls his eyes and places a small kiss to my forehead,”Well I better get started then, huh?”


AN:  PLANS ARE BEING SET INTO MOTION!  They are both going to come out to their families after a bit of convincing on Harry's part.  Gemma has agreed to help, and I guess Harry's mum is about to have a good tasty meal and a bit shock to the system afterwards! 

Predictions on how the dinner will go?  How do you think His mum will take it?  Do you think she will be accepting?  Do you think she will like Louis?  Do you think Harry or Louis will chicken out?  Maybe they will do a whole Romeo Juliet thing and just die out of love instead!?  Nahhh that last one probably won't happen ;P  Please comment and let me know! c;

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DFTBA LOVELIES!! xx *huggles!* xx

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