The Games (5)

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"Today, Starts the thing we all thought we escaped... Welcome to the Games!"

OceanToday was the day of the Games

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Today was the day of the Games. I woke up in a cold sweat and started hyperventilating over what was to come. Finnick awoke next to me and started whispering sweet nothings in my ear to calm me down. "Come on O, we need to get out of bed," Finnick says coaxing me out of bed once my yells and screams had ceased. 

After getting me out of bed and into the kitchen, Dakota took over me as she sat me down and fed me. Once finished, she brought me to the styling rooms and got me changed into a suit that felt extremely light compared to my last games.


I was standing in front of my tube, with Dakota next to me. "Honey, just get out there and kick-ass, okay, just remember I'm betting on you, Ocean," She says to me. "10 seconds till launch," a robotic voice says over the loud speaker in the steel room. "I can do this, I can do this," I mumble to myself as Dakota places my necklace over my head, "look back at this if you ever need support," She says tearing up. She guides me into tube and I give her a last hug. The tube then closes and I start to panic, what will happen, will I make it out, what's going on.

As I reached the top I stood on my platform, all I saw around me was jagged rocks, white rapids and waterfalls, this was my type of arena. I looked to my left and saw the District 3 girl, Holly Sheer I think her names was. Not registering what was going on I was awoken from my thoughts as the gong sounded and I jumped and ran for the Cornucopia, I spotted my belt of throwing knives and some berries. When I saw them I knew they weren't there for eating, well they were but they would kill you if you ate them. I picked them both up and ran...

-Flashback over-

"Ocean! Ocean!" I hear Dakota as I come to, she is waving her hand in front of my face trying to get my attention. "Sorry Dakota, I... I was thinking back to the beginning of my games..." I trail off, "Honey, you will be fine," Dakota reassures me. "I'm not scared of the people Dakota only the arena, they say its meant to be a very special arena, I'm just scared that they are trying to get back at Katniss so they'll make it worse for everyone else." I say panicking when the robotic voice started, "10 seconds till launch," I started hyperventilating. "Calm down Ocean, you will be fine, you know the plan, they will get you out now get ready to kick some Career ass!!" She exclaims as she pushes me into the tube. "Thanks for everything Dakota," I yell just as the tube starts to ascend. Suddenly I'm blinded by sunlight, as my eyes adjust the first thing I see is a ton of water, like a lake. Once my eyes have fully adjusted I take in the whole picture. I'm surrounded by water the Cornucopia was straight ahead, there were walls of rock submerged in the water like walking platforms. I saw Peeta about three people down looking petrified. I knew I could probably reach the Cornucopia before anybody else by just swimming, I look above the Cornucopia and see I have 11 seconds till I can go.

10 seconds - Find my knives and possibly a trident

9 seconds - Find Finnick

8 seconds - Find Katniss

7 seconds - Find Peeta

6 seconds - Look for possible food

5 seconds - Try and kill the careers

4 seconds - Get to the jungle

3 seconds - Find food and fresh water

2 seconds - Find a safe place to sleep

1 second - Stay Alive

The gong sounds and I jump, I swim faster than ever before, I reach the Cornucopia before anyone else had even reached the walls. I ran, grabbing two belts of knives, a trident hold, and luckily there were two tridents. I grab one and leave the other for Finnick and race off to find the others, I see Katniss almost at the Cornucopia. She reaches me and goes to grab my neck, "well that isn't anyway to treat your allies, is it?" I say she gives me a strange look and I point her in the direction of her bow. I run around the little island again, throwing two knives into the heart of other victors who once were my friends but tried to kill me at the first chance. I saw Peeta struggling in the water, I could tell he was fighting another tribute. I ran along the wall to about in line with Peeta and the unnamed tribute.

"Finnick!" I yelled as soon as I saw him come into view, I was waving like a maniac, he got Katniss and brought her over. I handed him my weapons and said, "I couldn't leave them on the bank while I saved Peeta, those other tributes would have stolen them with out a second thought to give themselves an advantage over me." I quickly jump in the water swimming fast towards Peeta, when I reached them they had gone underwater. I had to be quick, I dove under with the two other tributes, I opened my eyes to try and make out what was happening. I came back up and yelled at Finnick, "I need a knife!" Katniss looked terrified but Finnick threw me the knife, I caught it swiftly and dove back under.

When I could tell who was who I realized that the other tribute was strangling Peeta and he was running out of breathe fast. I stabbed the other guy in the back and pulled Peeta up. He was gasping for breath but alive as I dragged him back to shore.

Once we were all back on the wall we bolted into the forest leaving a bunch of dead victors and the careers. We had been running for about 5 minutes when I needed to take a break but to help Peeta and Katniss I say, "Katniss shouldn't we stop for a bit, you need as much rest as you can get in your condition," with my signature games smirk plastered on my face. "Oh uh, yea" She replies thankful for the rest as we all bobbed down to catch our breaths. "God it's hot, we need to find fresh water," Peeta says with sweat running down his face, I nod in agreement, we take the time to look at one another and our surroundings. That's when the cannons interrupted the eerily quiet of the jungle, Finnick chuckled "Well I guess we aren't holding hands anymore," I smiled wiping sweat off my face, "you two think this is funny?" Katniss says outraged, "every time that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears, I don't care about any of them," I sneer back. She looks shocked that I would say something like that but she quickly recovers and says, "good to hear," taking out her machete from its sheath. "Do you want to face the career pack alone, what would Haymitch say?" Finnick backs me up, "Haymitch isn't here," She finishes after a moment of silence Peeta breaks it reminding us that we need to keep moving or we could get caught

With Peeta leading us we continue to trek through the overly humid jungle. Suddenly, breaking the silence and occasional cutting of Peeta's machete I hear Katniss yell, "Peeta! No!" but it was to late he had already hit the force field and was probably dead. unfortunately for me, when he flew back and I was knocked down and into a tree hitting my head, luckily I'm still conscious but only just. Katniss was hunched over Peeta's unmoving body crying and trying her best to wake him up. "He's not breathing! He's not breathing!" She yells through tears, pushing myself up, causing a head spin, I nudge Finnick to go forward, I sign CPR and he gets the (not so) subtle hint. He pushes Katniss off Peeta and starts CPR, Katniss was about to shoot him when she realized he was trying to help. She crawls over to them and starts calling Peeta's name. Finally Peeta takes his first breath in about a minute, Katniss gives him a kiss whispering to him.

Finnick comes back to me, keeping me upright, "thanks," I say to him leaning into him more, all of a sudden Peeta is on his feet and we are moving. I'm on Finnick's back as I'm to unsteady to walk which is strange seeing Peeta is the one who died, though he is putting most of his weight on Katniss. After a while of trekking on through the jungle Katniss makes us stop. She climbs up a tree supposedly looking around, we can hear what seems to be a clap of thunder but when you look up through the small gap between the trees I saw some kind of object hit a force field.

Katniss comes down and fills us in on what she saw, she didn't see any signs of fresh water unfortunately. Everyone looks disappointed when Finnick speaks up, "it's gonna get dark soon, we'll be safe with our backs protected, we should set up camp, take turns sleeping, I can take first watch," he says. Katniss laughs sarcastically, "not a chance," "Love, if we wanted to kill either of you, trust me you would have died before the blood bath even began," I sneer at her. Finnick set me down and I laid down, he kissed my forehead and went to take watch with Katniss.

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