Training (3)

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"Here, Now, The time to find allies and prove to people that I'm not just a pretty face,"

OceanToday was training day, its the time for me to prove to people I'm not just the pretty face, and that I can fight

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Today was training day, its the time for me to prove to people I'm not just the pretty face, and that I can fight. My job today was to make allies with Katniss, I needed that damaged girl to at least trust me to certain extent. My plan was to throw some sharp stuff around to impress people and at least make Katniss think I could be valuable than go over to the plants and knot-tying stations to improve on some things that were my down fall in my last games, such as a food source.

Down in the training room only a hand full of the victors already there, District 1 and 2 as well as Johanna and Blight from District 7. The first thing I did was go over to Johanna to wait for the instructor lady to come in and re-tell us the rules and directions. "Hey, O" Johanna says as I walk up, "Hi Johanna, do you reckon they are going to remind us of the rules or not?" I ask. "Obviously, they are going to treat us like the children that come here every year and tell us all the rules, what you can and can't do and where not to throw the 'dangerous sharp things'," She answers with spite evident in her voice. "We all knew that Johanna, but I reckon the newbies didn't," Finnick says making me jump as he point towards the two newest tributes who were standing to the side not talking and looking around awkwardly.

Once the instructor had run us through the rules, we all separated. My first stop was the knives station, when I arrived I saw the siblings trying to frighten Katniss and Peeta as they walk around. Once they leave I take their spot, I grab a belt with 24 knives and go into the training room. I set the station to hard and I wait, As the lights turn to holograms I start throwing. After 2 minutes of throwing my arm starts getting sore and I only had one more hologram left, when it came up I realised who it was supposed to be, Finnick, my district partner and close friend I couldn't do this to him, but I had to as soon as he was getting to close for comfort I let it go. Once the hologram had disintegrated I turn to face the window, I see everyone leaning against it watching me, once I take this in I curtsied and walked out. "I saw you throw in fact everyone did, if you can show me how to throw knives like that I can teach you how to use a bow?" Katniss says behind me, "Oh darling I already know how to shoot, I wasn't born in the last century, but sure I'll teach you how to throw, it isn't hard," I respond walking in a small circle to turn around and go back to the station I was previously at.

After the whole day of teaching Katniss how to throw knives, as it took longer than anticipated, we finally got a chance to go to the archery station. We decided to team up and go in together, "Katniss, set it to hard, with two people we can take it down a lot easier," I tell her as she sets it up. I was looking out the window and I can see Finnick coming over to watch, no one has ever seen me shoot, "done lets go," Katniss says as she gets in her stance I do to setting my first arrow in place ready to let it fly. "Now!" I yell as two tributes come at us full force with one look I could tell that it was the famous District one Gloss and Cashmere. We both let our arrows fly and hit perfectly on target in their hearts. As each and every tribute comes to take a shot we keep each others backs covered staying with our pace as we turn in a circle taking in the room. "Katniss, the balcony!" I yell because I can't angle my bow to get them and Katniss is closer the balcony. Once all the tributes had been taken down we lower our bows and turn to the crowd that had gathered awe struck at how we had performed, we both flashed them a smile as we walked out, I went straight for Finnick and Johanna. "Wow O, I didn't even know you could shoot like that. At home your always saying that you don't want people to watch because your crap, from what I've just seen you are anything but crap," Finnick says breathless. "Oh, Finny, your sweet, isn't he Johanna?" I say pinching Finn's cheeks making Johanna smirk and Finnick chuckle. "Don't pinch his cheeks O, he'll get all embarrassed," She says doing a baby voice and pinching my cheeks, I laugh it off as I pull Finnick out of the room since we're done for the day.

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