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"Durian zibethinus is the most common tree species in the genus Durio that are known as durian and have edible fruit also known as durian. " - Wikipedia-

This fruit and plants known as Durian with other name Durian zibethinus is the common fruit in South East Asia. Durian is known as its name by International sellers.

Its strong characteristic are :

1. It has a strong fragrance that consider as pleasant smells, and also a 'not good' smell (depending on people who like and do not like)

2. It has an edible flesh cover the seed with strong penetrating.

3. It has sharp thorns that cover the flesh.

4. It has yellow color on its flesh and green-yellow on its thorns/skin.

Moreover, this fruit is seasonal growing fruit. It appears, ripe, and harvested in the beginning of rainy season.

People of South East Asia are mostly addicted to its fragrance and strong penetrating flesh of fruit.

People in South East Asia enjoy its flesh and plant its seed with a long period growing trees. As the life time of Durian Trees would be 20 years growing fruits.

The time the fruits appeared, people plant the trees at their 20's aged and would be 40's to taste the fruit.

The Durian Trees commonly available in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Burmese, and other countries of South East Asia.

For all of these countries, Malaysia and Indonesia popular enough of Durian Growing Trees. For South East Asia people, Durian is one of major fruits whereas its habitat.

People sold for Durian Fruits as Rp. 25.000,00/ kg in Indonesia. More expensive compared to Malaysia which sold 5 MYR/kg or Rp. 15.000,00/ kg.

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