"Lost Lola"

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YL/N - Your Last Name

Y/N - Your Name

H/C - Hair Color

F/C - Fav Color

SF/C - Second Fav Color

F/ N - Fav Animal

F/G - Fav gem

H/L - Hair Length

~Shall be updated as goes on!~

~5 Weeks Later~

Y/N's P.O.V

I walked into my house thinking my little Lola~Bear would come running up to me...But she didn't today, that made me get worried because she always does so. So I went around the whole house looking for Lola, not finding her..

I started panicking running around the house. I Changed into some normal clothes and ran around the village bumping into Garroth, at this point crying. I MEAN COME ON THAT'S MY BABY!! Garroth helped me up and noticed i was crying "Y/N what's wrong?! Why are you crying?" Garroth asked me i explained whats up and how i couldn't find Lola.

Garroth sighed "I'll help looking for her but i need to get to my shift, for now look for her and who ever passes by me i'll ask if they seen a F/A, okay?" Garroth said i nodded before he walked off her wiped my tears and kissed my cheek. I Kept walking around until I saw Neve and I ran up to her.

"Neve, have you seen a baby F/A..? Her name is Lola and she's mine.." I Said she gasp in shock that Lola is missing and hugged me "It's okay, i'm so sorry you haven't seen her! i'll keep my eyes out for her! Okay?" I nodded and walked off to go find Lola again. I Looked in the forest, where I train with the guys, Where I have mainly guarded since I had her, places mainly she would know to look for me.

I sat down near Kiki's barn and cried, like i did on my birthday. Kiki Came out and asked whats wrong and i explained the story again and she said she would keep her eyes out for the little F/A. I Sighed knowing I can't do anything about it now just to hope she will be found, with that i went home and cried again

Arliegh's P.O.V 

 Oh that poor girl! NOT! Little does that brat know I have her 'Lola~Bear' like what type of nickname is that!? One a idiot gives! I got home and slammed the door and went down to the basement and let the little rat out for a bit, I fed it and took it out in the forest for its bathroom brake and stuck it back in it's cage for the night before calling boss

"Boss, I Have the first thing Y/N has to her heart next to your brother, her animal.." "Good job, my dear Arliegh" "hehe! thanks, sir! I Try my best...Next thing you know Y/N Will be back in that cell" I said "I hope so, get rest for more evil tomorrow" Sir Zane said "okay" i replied setting the amulet down and going to bed.


well how what that? i tried my best :D it is close to 500 words so idk if its going to be longer then normaly (aroud 300-400 words) SO YEAH! BAI XD

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